Monday, June 22, 2020

The Realities of Coronavirus Never Published

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This Lame Cherry is going to mention something about this thinking virus, the biological weapon, Coronavirus Wuhan.

The first is that this virus was deliberately introduced to stop a Chinese first strike against the United States.

The second is the Chinese PLA spread this deliberately to the United States, and others have spread strains inside the United States.

There were two strains, the L lethal and the S an inoculant. The S has a 15% critical and mortality rate.

The third is, more than one strain, specific to genus has been released, for specific punishment and purposes of specific nations and agendas.

Fourth, this virus was "salted" into nations. A deliberate feces contamination was put into regions to kill people, the Mockingbird highlighted the stories to put the scare into populations to achieve agenda results, all the while the L strain was inoculating the population.

Fifth, there are more shadowy groups, coup plotters, nation rapists and corporations with a hand in spreading this virus, using this virus and spreading this virus, causing all of this mayhem.

Those are the realities of the facts of this virus, as immense amounts of money are being made for an injection, which is going to have zero effect, but the hysteria and push for it, as effective treatments were in place in Chloroquine WITH zinc as that is important as the zinc kills the virus and Ivomec with doxycycline, along with a remedy of the tuberculosis vaccine on it's own, would have saved hundreds of thousands of lives and trillions of dollars.

Coronavirus in the non lethal strain, because in order to contract the lethal strain you HAVE TO EAT IT or rub shit into your eyes off of contaminated surfaces, is not being deliberately spread into populations.
What is being spread is the non lethal strains, and in those as stated 15% critical to lethal death rates appear, but the Italians are  noting that their infected geezers are sitting up in bed, not dying, and no longer need any assisted breathing.

Coronavirus has downgraded from ‘tiger to wild cat’ and could die out without vaccine

“Now, in the past four weeks, the picture has completely changed in terms of patterns. There could be a lower viral load in the respiratory tract, probably due to a genetic mutation in the virus which has not yet been demonstrated scientifically. Also we are now more aware of the disease and able to manage it.
“It was like an aggressive tiger in March and April but now it’s like a wild cat. Even elderly patients, aged 80 or 90, are now sitting up in bed and they are breathing without help. The same patients would have died in two or three days before.

Now for the seventh reality, in China never controlled this virus. China paid for the inoculation strain and as their people got sick and died, Peking covered up the infection rate. China paid for the cure.
China though has a "does not play well with others problem" and when they began acting the problem child again, their salmon food supply was contaminated to put the dragon back on to the leash.

The Coronavirus ground has been set for the next dominoes to fall. I do not know if more infections will come or the Covid 20 is necessary to inject people with whatever is in that serum that is the real reason this is being pushed, as it has nothing to do with this virus, as this virus does not provide "immunity" to those who have it. There is not any herd immunity, as that is what a biological weapon would have involved in it. This virus is like a plague wet dream, it makes a sticky mess, but you never really had sex with who you dreamed about.

I have not published the realities of this virus in full, because I did not want to force the hand in spreading it more. The evidence is now in the public reports and it has just been assembled here, so I have not revealed anything which you have not read and could have put together.

None of this is to state that this virus is not deadly, as it is in certain forms and to certain people. The deliberate spread and eating Bourbon blood shit is what was killing people. This was not airborne, the masks do not matter outside of hospitals. This virus will last for months at very cold temperatures and this virus lasts in sewer water or water supplies. It is was designed to be viable, live in the shit of humans or other animals, and yes it infected cats of all types, and it killed dogs.

I believe this virus is fading. The time line I inquired on will take this through in America to August. Remember I told you that the Mexicans would be a problem and this would last move into Texas and California in June and it is doing just that. I have no idea if the 11 million figure will trend, but there are 2 months to go yet.

It appears the push will be for a virus injection. That should mean a scare to get peopled injected in this hundreds of millions of vaccines in the autumn, with mandatory jabs for military, medical, school kids, teachers and that prime market of geezers in geezer homes. The injection will be hailed as the eradication of this virus, which everyone in power knows is already on the way out. It is why people in power are acting screwy like the President in rallies or going to South Dakota with Coofer Noem to pose in front of Mount Rushmore on July 4. Biden is terrified of this virus. He bleaches his balls like Mrs. Cuomo was sanitizing her anus in Chlorox.

Even being hosed down, I am not changing my routine of keeping stocked, staying out of town, using rubber gloves and dunking things in a bleach solution. I had a short, fat, ugly Mexican she thing walk past me in the store, she reeked of udder disinfectant that diary operations have. Probably the cleanest that walking germ factory ever has been. I still held my breath to let her aroma pass by.

So that is lessons in Coronavirus Mirror in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
