Tuesday, June 2, 2020

To Save America, Joe Biden must Castrate a Black Man

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We have all witnessed the tragedy that is Minnesota. 8 years after messiah Obama left the building, Blacks are once again burning down their commuities which they have no homes in, due to the liberal police state murdering another Black man, and this time by taking a knee.

This has hit Minnesota hard as Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee, in order to save himself, was about to choose Amy Horseface Klobuchar as his running mate, as Biden promised the public a woman on the ticket.

With Klobuchar being social distanced from Biden, as she is a sure loser now, Joe Biden in his haste is left with losing to Donald John Trump in November, as the female democratic field is lacking.

Elizabeth Warren is too small state east coast and is too old low energy white.

Kamala Harris is attractive, Black and accomplished, but she is law enforcement which alienates Blacks, and Biden will probably win California anyway, and Biden needs states he is not going to win.

Hillary Clinton, too east coast, too White in that "smart Obama boy" and too used up.

Michelle Obama, to reminiscent of the Obama Biden team which wore out voters as the mystique is gone and we are already back to Jim Crowe due to Obama.

Grethen Whitmar of Michigan, absolutely alienated Blacks by letting them die and alienated America by her draconian crackdown due to the coof virus. Whitmar would assure Trump winning Democratic states.

Stacy Abrams of Georgia would not probably win her own state which Biden desperately needs, as she is just so unattractive in appearance and personality. She is the reason Black men are not at home in how brusk they are and White cops are killing as they roam the streets.

That is all Biden has for choices due to his unsound promise of placing a woman on the ticket.

In that hopeless situation, the Lame Cherry in the Wisdom of Solomon has found the answer to Joe Biden, and it comes from Joe Lockhart of the NFL in writing for CNN. Lockhart says that to heal Minnesota, the NFL Vikings should hire Colin Kaepernick, the "NFL Kneeler" which would of course alienate the majority of White Minnesotans, but this is not about healing, it is about sticking it to Whitey in burning down a White NFL franchise, in the same way Dennis Greene burned up the Vikings with his racist promotion of an entire Black team of Dante Culpepper and Randy Moss who lost horridly, before Greene was fired.

"The situation in Minnesota right now offers a unique opportunity to deal with the symbols of racial injustice. As a small, but important step, the owners of the Minnesota Vikings, Zygi and Mark Wilf, can send a strong message by offering Colin Kaepernick a contract to play with the Vikings. Bring him into camp, treat him like any of the other players given a chance to play the game they love.
"It will not solve the problem of blacks and police violence. But it will recognize the problem that Kaepernick powerfully raised, and perhaps show that, with courage, real progress can be made."

So the reality is, what is good for the NFL is good for Joe Biden. Joe Biden though must keep his promise in having a woman on the ticket, so Joe Biden must castrate a Black man or a Bidroon by November and make him into a woman.
Colin Kaepernick has thrust himself into the middle of the Minnesota Meltdown, so let him got the whole 9 yards, and instead of taking a knee, take two testicles and become Colleen Kaepernick, so show he really has the best interests of America at heart, and is not all talk and no show.

The Lame Cherry has researched this for about 3 minutes in a DuckDuckGo search and discovered that Colleen Kaepernick was born in Wisconsin.

Wisconsin is one of the states Joe Biden must wrest from Donald Trump. As Klobuchar is gone and Minnesota is in play and Trump will probably win it, that means Wisconsin in her native son, Colleen Kaepernick would deliver the state which Biden needs.

This progresses further in Republican Nevada comes into play, as Colleen played football there. These are now 2 states that a castrated Collen Kaepernic would deliver to Joe Biden.

So as a 49er's star, Colleen Kaepernick would be the natural choice as he would cement California, bring home Wisconsin, bring home Nevada, and keep Joe Biden's shortsighted promise of putting a female on the ticket.

Colleen would provide Biden with the true Obama legacy of a the transvestite which Birther Hussein propositioned all through the rainbow White House. What better groundbreaking wake up event to excite the electorate than Joe Biden, castrating a Black man not out of KKK racism, but out of love of country. Surely Collin Kaepernick loves America enough to give up his testicles for  Biden win.

For Kaepernick, he is gay. He has been stringing along this hottie, Nessa Diab, for a decade. It is time to put her onto the market and emancipate her, as she is proof that Collin is Colleen and does not need those testicles, while Joe Biden does.

So in Electoral College, the lack of women in the democratic party who can save Joe Biden, and to keep Joe Biden's campaign promises, for a Democratic win in November over Donald Trump, it is time for Joe Biden to castrate a Black man for the Democratic Party again.

Nuff Said
