Tuesday, June 2, 2020

It is time to Executive Order George Soros

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The paid terrorists on May 30th, 2020 AD in the year of our Lord, took on a new turn in the overthrow of America, with the second night of attempts to assassinate the President. On the first night of May 29th, the DC mayor taunted the President to come out and face the peaceful protestors, when the DC police had been ordered to stand down and the Secret Service was called upon to defend the White House.

On May 30th the situation escalated all across Washington DC, when preplaced older model cars became firebombs, as they had been parked in front of parking meters and then detonated at key times.

The President was moved to the White House bunker, and secured, as 60 Secret Service agents were injured in these terrorist attacks. This is the same Pussy Hatters, same Alexandria Ocasio Cortez North Dakota protests, which in this case Senator Kamala Harris was involved in being with these terrorists.

The lead group named in this is ANTIFA, and the President stated absolutely that White Supremacists, which the FBI has been attempting to blame for all the problems in America in briefing the Virginia Governor of a "threat" during a gun rights demonstration, and that Governor shut the entire state down, when nothing was taking place.

The fact of this is, is this is ANTIFA, and George Soros funds these domestic terrorist groups.

The worst of this is, these Obama terrorists, are still being provided deep state cover, as Susan Rice, who was involved in framing General Michael Flynn, took to fake news CNN, and tried to start nuclear world war, by blaming Moscow and Vladimir Putin.

The Russians may delight in American upheaval up to a point, but Moscow is not going to be funding the attempted assassination of a United States President, as this would bring a nuclear response from the United States, as no other measure would be acceptable for such an attack on the United States.

Susan Rice was complicit in this, as was the mayor of Minneapolis who was ranting that white people were involved in the eruption of violence in that liberal enclave. They are protecting their terrorists and once again using the "blame Russia" mantra, when everyone knows that George Soros started this terror network to destroy the United States for globalism, and the degrees of separation have Crowds on Demand funding this from Google Ads.

KREMLIN CONNECTION? Susan Rice Suggests RUSSIA Behind Violent Protests, Looting Nationwide   hannity 
90% of BLM & ANTIFA Rioters are Paid by Crowds on Demand via Craig's List and Google Ads - Freedom Outpost   freedomoutpost

The fact is in all of this, it is time for President Donald Trump to place George Soros on a court ordered list of enemies of the United States, and execute Soros, his family and his properties down to his parakeet, and put an end to this terror organizer.

Video: Man chants “There is no god but Allah” during violent Leftist Antifa riots in US   jihad 
Arrest Warrant Issued For Brian Bartels, Police Say He Started Saturday Riots In Pittsburgh – CBS Pittsburgh   cbslocal

Barack Hussein Obama made it a matter of, if he breathed, he was droning someone. Obama droned to death four Americans, and his bungled operation in Benghazi murdered 4 more Americans there. President Trump has full authority and precedent to order the military execution of George Soros and his entire criminal empire of rapine.

The United States would then seize all of Soros assets, and place them into a trust to mandate that every Black child in America be educated with a degree from trade schools or bachelors, from Baptist approved education, as the world does not need any more Obama community organized rampages being taught and sent out into the world.

The line has been crossed. It is time to strike with drones the terror leaders of the United States by court ordered executions.

Dennis Rodman: 'Why are we looting, why are we stealing...We're not f*king animals' - Sara A. Carter  saraacarter

Nuff Said
