Friday, June 5, 2020

Trench Gardenfare

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the Land of Pandemic America, two things are now certain. The first is the coof is being spread as a shock treatment to the public to get them into a brainwashing to accept things in terrorizing the mind, and the second is,  HAARP is going to make it hotter than hell and drier than a rich man's conscience, so the Lame Cherry is going to show you what she is up to in her pig sty.

The soil in the brier is complex. For the most part it is a sandy loam, which covers only the top foot of soil, and then moves into a grey, chicken shit yellow, gumbo clay, depending on where you dig, and sometimes where you are in a field 20 feet away.

I discovered that pig shit, left to rot down, makes the best garden soil, based on this sand. The problem is sand dries out like a bitch, but it is easier to work with than that Goddamn clay, which sticks like baby shit when it is wet, and makes bricks when it is dry.

As I do not have any rich people ever donating the sums this blog is worth, especially as I saved them their millions in the stock market, saved their lives a half dozen time over, I have to do a great deal of hand labor, as I do not have the money for a tractor or a roto tiller. So digging trenches in this pig sty shit is hard work. It gets harder when I get my neighbor to slide the sod off for free, and then he dumps that Goddamn gumbo on top of my sand in being helpful as he thinks a depression will flood out.....yeah in the brier patch you can watch lakes disappear in days for the sand under this country.

So how do you garden when it gets as hot as that brown shit dirt in Georgia or that blast furnace sand of Arizona and areas in between? The answer is trenching. I have tried the Organic Gardening Bob Rodale raised beds. You might as well drain Lake Erie for the water it would take to grow anything in raised beds around here. Raised beds are for areas where any dumb ass can grow things. I live in an area where it can be Canada cold or Arizona hot, all in the same day, and either flooding or dry as a drought, all in the same day too.
So if you trust to the Lord in planting normal gardens here, you get golf ball sized potatoes or burned up vines in July. Not worth the effort and I can not afford the water for that kind of run off gardening or sprinklers.

So what I do is trench. The potatoes get the deep trenches of a foot deep, onion are half that as are most other things. What I want is to water as much as I can, to fill the trench up, and then have it stay where the roots are. That means I am using either a shower head spray gun on my little things, or I am using the straight hose out of our well, and it gets enough to wash things, but it gets so dry here, that if you trickle things, you will never get anything watered.

So the answer is the trench, which holds the water in surplus and runs it down the row to the next plant. For cabbages, they go into old coffee cans which I have to replace as they are rusting out, but I want to get water pooled around those roots and to make sure I know what is getting on those plants. Potatoes are vital as you get dry rot in uneven watering, just like tomatoes get blossom end rot.

That is how you grow things in a pandemic, when HAARP is drying out the United States to break everyone.

For potatoes I will add about 3 inches of compost beef manure to feed the plants, but that dries out like a sponge, so in time that gets covered over with the sand and clay, to seal it in like a sponge in a plastic bag. Makes for easier digging too in this concrete clay.

I really enjoy playing in dirt, digging in it, running it through my hands, as it tells me things. I think the garden we have will be ok, when I get the equipment to make it behave. The south end out of the pig sty is clay, and comes out in clumps. There is a patch inside the sty too that is a bugger. The old man dumped cinder in there for cattle to stand on, and I hit those patches yet too, but they will break up with a digger, and as I keep pulling the rocks out which would shatter a rototiller, things will become what a garden should be, in dug deep to about 12 inches, mingled with a good manure compost, and then the sand does not dry out, and the clay does not turn into bricks. At present it is just a dry bitch, looking to grow only weeds, but I will keep progressing it, and the sty will bloom as it did last year. It made wonderful beats with watering, as that hog shit, even 50 years old, still carries all the minerals it originally had.
I just would that the dumbfuks who dumped rocks into that sty, would not have done that, as Lord I pulled rocks out of there, and I still am clinking on some with the hand tools. I know it knocked the teeth out of a little digger I made, so those have to come out and then the world will be a better place.

It's looking like a pioneer garden though, not like much, like it will die by tomorrow, but I will keep watering and when we stop being Nova Scotia cold in June, it will perk up some. We moved in some Quinalt strawberries, horseradish, will pop in some garlic, but have been transferring some rhubarb which Daisy decided to chew the hell out of last year, and I thought she killed it all, but it all divided up to about 7 plants. The last bunch we moved May 22nd, as they came up that late, as it has been a cold bitch here again in this HAARP drought.
I told TL that those plants were for our other place, in we will move them there. They are a sweet rhubarb, quite red, but not my taste as it is not the tang of the old rhubarb. I never throw things away though, and they will come along and flourish too as the pioneer bed, becomes civilized.

Trenches though are work without power equipment, but they are the way to go, and save your ass in work and frowning about watering when it does get hot and your plants look like shit in drying up, as you can not water them enough.

When you have germ warfare going on, you got to move to garden trenchfare to make sure you get a crop to survive on. Do the work early and it makes work not that hard the rest of the year in watering, saves you if you are paying for water too.

Once again this is the Lame Cherry saving your butts, in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
