Thursday, June 18, 2020

When it is not Coronavirus, just what is it?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I type this on June 1st, there is something which does need examination, and it is the fact that 1 out 10 people tested positive for Coronavirus. I do not state that as some horrifying statistic nor comforting statistic, but the point in this being made is, I have spoken with EMT's who could not get tested, just like most people who did not have symptoms. So with almost 20, million people tested, the question is, as these tests were not performed on idiots like Kathy Griffin who had the Mexican shits........just what was out there in the United States which had doctors reaching for test kits, and it was not Coronavirus.

1,859,323 Cases

18,150,053 Tests

Even in factoring in exposures, hysteria, and false negatives, that would leave almost 10 million people who had something, severe enough for doctors to perform a test.

Something was out there, which did not register as the Coronavirus Wuhan, and it was making numbers of people very sick, and it was not the common flu. That is the story in this which no one has examined, and is being lost in the data, because numbers of people were tested for other things, and they came back negative, and then were given the Corona test, some came back positive, some false negatives, but numbers had something which still gave a negative reaction, but still were so ill, that their doctors thought it was the Coronavirus.

Some have thought this was the repackaged Obama flu, which was turning up which was killing Mexicans and American children. Still there is evidence that there are different strains of this virus which were spread deliberately.

There is a reality in this though, that we know what Coronavirus is, but what we do not know is what this other virus is, which was infecting ten times more people in making them ill.

I do not have the answer as I have not inquired and I'm not being paid enough to save the world, with nitpickers nagging at me.

This is though another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
