Saturday, June 13, 2020

What is this shit, Mr. President

Ambassador Harris here, I love terrorists burning down America and sodomy.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Simple question Mr. President, why is Sec. of State Mike Pompeo's personal pick for US Ambassador to Australia create a most expensive banner and placed it as United States policy in supporting a terrorist group in Seoul South Korea, using the US Embassy as a political statement on foreign soil?


Why is Ambassador Harry Harris doing this with your permission Mr. President, as you have not recalled him for supporting terrorists.

When Dr. Benjamin Mays delivered Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s eulogy in 1968, he said Dr. King’s "unfinished work on earth must truly be our own." Recent weeks remind us that MLK’s work remains unfinished. Friends, I believe that work falls on each of us today.

U.S. Ambassador to South Korea

Harris was nominated by President Donald Trump to serve as U.S. Ambassador to Australia in February 2018, but was renominated to become Ambassador to South Korea by Trump at the suggestion of newly sworn-in Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on May 23, 2018.
In April 2020, Harris was reportedly planning on stepping down as ambassador in the coming months.

This was not the first time that Harry Harris has used the US Embassy as political graffitti, as last year, he and other were flying sodomite flags for weeks. This is insurrection and yet Mr. President you did not recall him.

In 2019, the office was in the company of a handful of other U.S. embassies — including those in Santiago, Chile, and New Delhi — that defied a State Department order not to hoist a Pride flag. Instead, it placed a Pride banner on its facade.
The actions were described as “category one insurrection” by an anonymous diplomat close to the State Department, according to The Washington Post. The embassy displayed the banner for three weeks before taking it down.

This is sort of an important situation Mr. President in showing that you have lost control over your State Department, and with the sister of Kim Jong Un threatening military use against South Korea.

Remember comrade Sister, the red button starts the nuclear war.

For the record, Kim Jong Un is dead. He has not been seen, except for a fake photo op. Kim Yo Jong is issuing orders in Kim Jong Un's name against KOREAN LIVES MATTER, as your CIA has been floating propaganda leaflets into North Korea which the North Koreans are literally up in arms over.

So Mr. President, America expects and answer from you. Are you in charge of this government with your Junetifa rally in Tulsa, exposing Americans to the coof, and with the CIA's Black Lives Matter burning down America and the CIA's Korean Lives Matter about to start a nuclear war in Korea.

As you can not control an Ambassador who supports terrorists and supports sodomy, it is the conclusion Mr. President that you are supporting the Obama terrorists burning down America and supporting sodomy and terrorism on US Embassies.

Nuff Said
