As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Carribean Queen coup plotter of Plamegate, who was supposed to get Vice President Dick Cheney out of the Bush White House, so Colin Powell would be Dick Armitage's deep state Vice Presidential stooge, crawled out from his Obama rock, with Mad Dong Mattis and John Kelly to attack the President and say he is voting for Joe Biden, a pedophile who is senile. Wonderful military assessment there Colin Powell.
CNN Urges Parents to Talk to Kids About Their Privilege ∞ nwsbstrs
Colin Powell Slams Trump, Announces Support for Joe Biden ∞ mediaite
As CNN and the Obama swarthy skins of liberalism weaponizing thee American Afroid have urged parents to speak of White Privilege, as others like Colin Kaepernick takes knees before thee American Flag, the answer to What is White Privilege must be defined or else this evolution against the Caucasian Protestant will not be understood.
What is White Privilege?
In 1776, 56 American Caucasians of recent resistance to the first world war the world had experienced in the 7 Years War as it was know in Europe and was known as the French and Indian War, which had the empire of France and empire of the Indian joined to genocide the White American colonists, put onto parchment a declaration that they would no longer be slaves nor servants to England, beaten nor jailed, nor raped nor executed, in the belief that in their higher Christian ideal that all men were created equal. The White man put to parchment a declaration, after study of Biblical, Greek and Roman declarations that a government by the people, of the people and for the people, where the individual policed themselves in both moral and public actions, was what Americans would govern themselves by.
The Indian brought forth no such document. The Negro brought forth no such document. This was a document of White People as it was dealing with their experience, and later in another document called the Constitution, it would be debated the reality of slavery, in what rights uneducated people of little understanding who could not study or aspire to self government, should be set free, because they were human.
In 1776, these White Americans pledged all they had and their lives, and most of the 56 would die and be broken by the Revolutionary War when it was concluded. These White men came to the Declaration of Independence as Israelite English, Scot, Irish, Dutch, German and French, framed in the history of the Norman King, William the Conqueror invaded England and from that point on made the English his slaves, and produced an England of a higher government and knowledge in 1066 AD in the year of our Lord, which would be transformed again by White Germans under the Christian reformist, Martin Luther, breaking free the religious slavery of Rome in the Vatican for a new protest, named Protestantism.
It was these Protestants who came to America with the promise of they would not be persecuted in America as they had in Europe. In Plymouth the Pilgrims settled and in Jamestown the English settled as Protestant Christian peoples, who laid the framework for a colonial culture so advanced from the Indian of America or the European, that ideals were born which manifested in thoughts that every person had the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of what pleased them which was moral.
This became the American thought, espoused by White People, in White People had fought in wars, had died settling lands, has been enslaved themselves, as the first slaves in America were Irish and Scots who lost in wars to England, and what the colonist had was not privilege, but the fruits of their struggle in prevailing, in the natural right of Darwin survival of the fittest.
In America as the Americans fought wars in 1776 and 1812 AD in the year of our Lord, a new race was appearing. It was noted that French children, barefoot and in tunics in the snow, were surviving where Europeans had died. A stout race of Americans was born in the mingling of White German, Dutch, French, English, Scot and Irish. By 1840, Europeans were complaining that they could not distinguish what race of Europeans Americans were, as they has taken on a character of their own.
In 1860, the White American, due to intrigue again by Europeans of France and England, were placed into a financial war which pitted New England banking against Southern political power. The result was thee American Civil War, where the Black was weaponized again, this time against the South in Emancipating the Negro, which was legal property seized without compensation.
Lincoln if he survived had intended to move the Negro to Panama in order to finish the canal there the French had envisioned. Instead, the Black was placed in political power to enslave the surviving White Southern Confederate, whose lands were occupied by Federal mandate for a decade, in the Southerner did not have the right to vote for their choice of political candidate and the Black was advanced over the White.
In the years which followed, America immigrated into, the races of Scandinavians to lumber her vast forests to the Germans who were fleeing Russia in the Crimea to turn the wilderness into piles of wheat, potatoes and corn. In exchange for the promise of land, which every Indian was awarded and every Black was provided the same access to, it was White Protestants who developed the United States, and it would be the Polish, Slavic and Italian peoples who would add to the development of America in a work force of the White race immigrating, and rising to success after long struggles with sickness, hardship, hard work, disease and death.
What followed were the Spanish American War, World War I and World War II, all White dominated wars where White People died to protect a nation and an ideal of the Constitution. These White People in a Cold War would allow themselves taxed in the trillions for a nuclear weapon state to resist a communist state which stated that the few could rule, while the rest shared the sentence of poverty.
In 2020, after a decade of the Barack Hussein Obama community organized manifesto removing the right of White Americans to govern themselves by their struggles, it became a globalist fraud to coin the phrase of White Privilege.
White Privilege is not a privilege, it is a way of life, first bestowed upon humanity who chose to follow the Way of God. It was a way earned, which Christ manifested in the decree of responsible self governance which cared for others. This is the Pledge of Allegiance:
I pledge allegiance to the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands.
One Nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
It is the Republican form of self governing, where people elect representatives in limited authority to the government with the People retaining all rights to themselves, which is a Republic. A Republic is you must earn your way and you do not have the right to take what others have.
This is the making of one People and one Nation, pledged under God, the Divine Authority Who set apart a people who from Adam, set upon a Way of choosing a self governance in trusting in God, that People have rights, but their rights end where the other individual's rights begin. To be a liberty, or self governance to not burn down your neighborhoods in riot, but to earn a living which you keep the money for your taking care of yourself, in a just system which in Courts or Congressional laws, will not favor one person over the other, in the balance that all will be treated fair.
In historical reality there is not any white privilege. It appears that way to the ignorant led around by Obama propaganda, but what there is, is White Responsibility. A Caucasian rises by God's Grace in being moral, so they do not create dangers and deaths to themselves, along with crippling debts. A Caucasian Protestant creates a stable family, where the children are taught responsibility, manners, self governance and provides for themselves an education beyond school in common sense and Christian virtue. This is what God brought to the world as the Way of Life, the foundation for a free society of opportunity of self created wealth and not centralized wealth, a responsible population which took care of itself, instead of preying upon itself.
This is White Responsbility, and it was the Protestant Caucasian in majority which built America and in minority has held the nation together as long as it has, while others cheated in the adultery of their failures, robbing the working population as the minorities claimed a majority of the nation's wealth.
White Privilege secured no reparations for White Slaves. White Privilege was ever awarded a place ahead of others, instead the White gave place to other races in order to promote the chance of their advance to the detriment of the Caucasian.
No Black ever started a Black War to free Whites. No Mexican ever started a war to protect a White person's job which a Mexican was taking. The same is true with the Indian, Chinese or anyone else. Not one of these using the propaganda of White Privilege has ever acted for the Caucasian Protestant who is responsible for creating the entire opportunity which has advanced the world in 250 American years, further than 6000 years of the rest of the ethnic world.
Number of Africans who put people into space? None.
Number of Chinese who built the atomic age? None
Number of anyone who has done anything which Caucasians have? None.
This is 1776, the enemy of the world few. The Chinese had thouands of years head start on America, and America eclipsed them in under 200 years. The Africans is you believe they are the foundation of all people, had hundreds of thousands of years, and American Caucasians eclipsed them in under 200 years.
Under 200 years time, and the same Americans in 1776 had tallow lamps, same horses for power, same raw resources to create something as the Asians, Africans and Latins, and in less than 100 years the Americans had built steam power driving their nation, and in 150 years produced combustion engines, and under 200 years, the Caucasian Americans put out nuclear power, put people on the moon, created the computer age, and it was all due to the responsibility of the Caucasian People, not any privlege.
The Indian had the same iron, same copper, same forests for a thousand years, and built rock arrows. The Slave had 100 years to produce a culture and advance, and after emancipation had 100 years more in the same access to books and they advanced nothing.
So let it be understood in the facts, that everyone had the same access to knowledge, resources and opportunity, but it was the Caucasian who prevailed, because the Caucasian did not sit in their ghetto, slum or reservation expecting an entitled privilege to be awarded them, as the White was responsible in taking the offerings of this world and discovering by Inspiration a way to make things easier, more economic and more profitable which advanced thee entire world.
It has always been White Responsibility which produced a future which the would endure. Those who speak the propaganda of white privilege are a cancer on all humanity and an extension of the biological weapon, Coronavirus Wuhan which they created.
Once again, this another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said