As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
We will know in two weeks how the spread of Coronavirus will be among the Afroids of America due to their self destruction riots over porn boy Floyd George in Obama orchestrated ANTIFA terrorism to start thee American Intifada by using the Negroid just as Charles Manson intended in 1968 with Helter Skelter, but as of this date, the Lame Cherry is about to inform you of something which this poor orphan girl is absolutely certain of, and that is I have been proven by the data, that there were TWO main strains, an L lethal strain and an S inoculation strain.
Of those strains, the L strain had genus specific forms in deliberate spread releases, and this strain was spread through human shit, wiped on things. The original Chinese Wuhan strain was tested last August in Chinese imported E cigarettes. Once that was realized, an inoculation strain was spread in the United States by oral ingestion in early November.
That strain had not any effect on the replacement strain to the Wuhan. The Wuhan was to be spread through water supply as a first strike weapon. What it was replace with as a Mirror virus, which infected Chinese like SARS, but other races not easily. It was shit spread.
I use layman's terms so you get this.
The Mirror had an inoculation strain too.
The PLA spread the lethal strain in the West, but other entities were spreading this virus for specific reason to counter what you could call the Obama order, and the Chinese domination of the world.
In understand those points. the data on Coronavirus moves like a heartbeat, as this is a living entity. The feces or shit spread strain has stopped in the host nations which flamed up first. There are outlier cases, but this virus has to be eaten, and the infected are burning out, and no new cases are appearing in the original nations.
What is beginning to dominate is the S strain or the inoculation strain, and this strain is according to Italian physicians and noticed in Pennsylvania observations to be mutating downward, or it is becoming less severe. The inoculation strain has a natural Corona fail safe in it, to mutate or to be less lethal so it will be able to survive. If it killed all the humans, it would not have a host, so the virus would die out. This strain does not appear to be a mass infection carrier in cats, dogs or other animals either. The S strain is mutating downward, and is becoming human specific, instead of multi species available.
This Lame Cherry is certain of this. The data is showing numbers of infected people, but the death rates are plunging. The ratio has changed, and that means the inoculation strain is progressing and dominating in spread. The S strain spread on surface and contact, but does not seem to be airborne. It is becoming a more typical Coronavirus.
In our personal experiences with being hosed down, thankfully, the hot weather is rendering the residue of this virus inoculation less symptomatic in our bodies. We were never carriers as what we had was a real vaccine, orally dispensed, and cat sneezing in our faces doubly assured, but this vaccine produced a like inoculation exposure which was uncomfortable enough that we do not ever care to repeat the experience.
This is what should dominate the White world. Yes Caucasians will still get sick, by sick vermin foreigners spreading the plague, but these will be outliers.
If you study the data in first week June. the death rate has dropped from 24% to 10%. This is the absence of the lethal strain and the progression of the inoculation strain.
Closed Cases
Cases which had an outcome:
Recovered / Discharged
The United States, which was hit hardest with it's mongrel diverse population of 3rd world vermin. Yet the two day totals are running about the same infection rate of 22 and 25 thousand, but the deaths have dropped from the 1500 to 3000 per day when the virus was burning hottest.
We will have to wait for the reality of Afroid coofer riots, as we have witnessed spikes in cases once the nation was opened up. The reality is George Floyd was spreading Coronavirus, and the reality is ANTIFA with all their masks on, and Blacks without masks, that those pasty face white terrorists which the Blacks were Obama protecting, had ample opportunity to spread Coronavirus in the lethal form. I wonder how many ANTIFA led looting raids at Target, had laced Coronavirus items that the Afroid consumed and or brought home to the coon den to later infect them.
Just remember in all of this, that when there is the kind of ANTIFA planning for these Obama Intifada riots, which the FBI gave cover for, there was planning on which stores to hit, and those stores were stocked with items with lethal strains of Coronavirus. It stands to reason, as ANTIFA had loads of bricks dumped on sites in preparation, so the Obama who built the Wuhan bioweapons lab was the same Obama who would be spreading the Corona by booze and water bottles.
Yes was bottled water being handed out to the rioters.
USA | 1,965,708 | +25,393 | 111,390 | +975 |
USA | 1,988,544 | +22,836 | 112,096 | +706 |
The shift in Corona is to the South American and Caribbean Mexicans. The surges are growing there, as is the shift in Africans. South Africa is finally beginning to run hot, as this thinking virus is cleaning up the loose ends. The cases are many, but the death stats are not huge. Again this is the inoculation strain, but remember this strain carried a 10 to 15% critical and death rate which was deemed acceptable. This is also the strain which produced the iron poisoning in British and American children, who appeared more ethnic than White.
Chile | 122,499 | +4,207 | 1,448 | +92 |
Brazil | 646,006 | +30,136 | 35,047 | +1,008 |
Mexico | 105,680 | +4,442 | 12,545 | +816 |
So if this thinking virus does not change, you still should be careful for this year, but not fearful as the virus is mutating down. I would never get the serum injection as that appears worthless and more of a problem and I have no idea what else for tracking is in this experiment.
Take your minerals like selenium, potassium, magnesium, xinc with D and B 12. Get your sunshine as medicine. Multi vitamins every so often, and keep your Chloroquine with zinc and Ivomec with doxycycline on the agenda, as there is not any sense in taking a risk as all can not be fortunate enough to be a pet bleater in the paddock as a poor orphan girl and mate being thankfully watched over.
This will still burn hot in immigrants, Mexicans, Muslims, Indians and Blacks, being dirty people who are foreign to toilet paper. But we appear to be moving into the inoculation strain phase of this dominating, as the President knew when he opened things up. Lesser nations and peoples will have their problems yet, but Europe should rebound, east Asia and White America, with the festering sore of South America and Africa as it is winter there.
China will have it's own problems as a consortium of nations is now moving to make China pay, which China will not do, but China will continue to implode in the paper dragon economy it has. When the President shut down Chinese paper dragon companies on Wall Street, that shut down billions for China in counterfeit money being laundered into America.
What this projects to then is, China is not going to be able to pay her bills, has stocked up for war, and as this blog warned all of you what was coming was a series of blows, and now Coronavirus, the stock market (It has not finished it's problems), the Obama Intifada, and more dominoes will follow.
The obvious main towers to fall, will be a Pearl Harbor like event to produce war and cover up economic problems, and the actual war, which appears to be centered on Iran and China at this point. Those are major blows and there will be other "minor" blows like Coronavirus which will change your world again, as the world is going to change to the projected order.
Coronavirus is not the White man's disease nor the old White man's disease as the statistics out of Minnesota and South Dakota prove it to be a dark skin 20 to 50 year old plague.

The reality is, if you want to stop another plague from happening in your area, your local regime must get rid of all the Mexican and Chinese money laundering restaraunts, you must shut down corporates who employ the visa vermin and you must not allow Lutheran Social Services to settle this foreign plague carriers into your communities.
Study the map of Minnesota, because EVERY spike is foreigners, a slaughter plant, chicken or pork factor, or some chamber of commerce business employing these foreign slaves to replace Americans.
The low stat counties were stupid White people who did not stay home, did not wash their hands and ate Mexican shit and infected the people in their homes.
Those are the facts.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said