Tuesday, July 28, 2020

12 21 2020

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Theodore is a Mundane Astrologer, mundane meaning he charts national projections of nations, based on start charts. I do not advocate ever getting involved in astrology as the Bible warns not to replace Faith in God for false gods, but I include this reality, not from Theodore who appears to know his shit as he gets the cosmic unbalance right, and says Donald Trump will be elected again, but because the reality is, something is about to happen in December of this year, which does not happen, and in star terms it is bigger than comets or eclipses.

On December 21st, the Day of the Dead Sun, there will appear in the sky the ancient duo who have had war in heaven. For those not familiar with this, the ancient stargazers noted that something took place in the solar system long ago, when Saturn was supplanted by Jupiter. Tumultuos things happened on earth in those times, as it appears something entered the solar system and ripped planets from their orbits.

In 2020, in the sign of Aquarius, the sign of water, both Saturn and Jupiter will merge as one to the eye. In other words, the sign of the sky is that on the day the Sun dies in the solstice, two stars which have not ignited to thermal reaction, will join and appear as one body in the sky.

A new age is being born, and joined in this procession. The star of this celestial focus where this will take place is Altair, the bright star of Aquila, the Eagle.

Jupiter and Saturn end of sidereal Capricorn and at 0-degrees tropical Aquarius on the first day of the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere on 21 December 2020.
This historic Jupiter-Saturn conjunction will be so close together; that to the unaided eye both planets will appear to morph into a single ball. 
When viewed through telescope, Jupiter and Saturn will be in the same field of view, separated by one-sixth the width of the Moon and conjoined to a famous fixed star, Altair, in the constellation Aquila the Eagle 
This conjunction ends the previous May 2000 Jupiter-Saturn meeting, and begins an entirely new phase that will last to the year 2040.

For those who are Inspired, this should be sending Star of Bethlehem alerts off in you brains that something is coming. Three powers have claimed Altair, Rome, the 3rd Reich and the United States.

For those who understand Scripture, a revived Roman Empire is prophesied to appear. Germany / Austria have in 2020 moved to European leadership. The United States is the House of Joseph of Israel. Germany is ancient Assyria, the empire which vanquished Gilead beyond the Jordan. Americans were the first exiles in the captivity.

I'm not here to interpret the stars nor to tell you to trust astrology. I'm here though to point out a sign that something is definitive, in the ancient struggle is joining in the darkness and that is what will be the sign for the time which will come.

This once again, is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
