Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Adventures in Junk Mountain

No my junk does not look this good!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So TL and  went back  to the junk lot, as the lady from the Thrift store asked me if it was open, and I informed her it was open if you had a mask on, which she had of sorts.

Anyway she went her way and we went our way, as I told TL if the road was not blocked and it was not too hot, I would stop.

The road was not blocked, but I soon learned it was even too hot for the mosquitoes.

So naturally I went to find another junked roto tiller as the first gem we got needs help, and I reasoned another would help provided sympathy.......I plan to put an electric on this one.

Thing is we could not find the thing.

So I scaled a  two story mountain of trash, as the owner now knows us and could care less about us rummaging to hell and gone in his plunder. I think he likes the plunder and I like it more and that he does not like, as he likes to keep piles of junk.

Was great fun, as TL was asking what the things were, and I actuallly got the old horse equipment right, piled two stories up. When I got over the top of the metal mountain of farm machinery, I spied a roto tiller which had not seen better days for the last century. Saw another one which looked promising so scaled my way over to that without getting killed, and  wounldn't you know it, an old side hay rake was on top of it, and the tires were stuck in the wheel rake tires.
I tried moving the thing, but that was not going to help, so I got a lever and started prying on things, and TL kept telling me I was moving the top of the mountain too as it was sort of all balanced in one spot. I ignored the warning as I figured I could dodge 2000 pounds of junk car hovering on top of me if it gave loose.

So the pile was swaying, TL was telling me I was violating the laws of nature, but as I never took advanced math, I was not listening as I thought I was spry enough to leap away. Finally, I just gave up as I could not get that wheel out of that wheel, and crawled back over Everest.

TL and I looked around some more as I could not figure out where he had hid the original junked roto tiller. That man piles more piles each day and things just bury and move. It was then that I looked, and sure as blessing, there was the tiller. It had moved from being on top of a pile of little piles, and was now buried under an old horse mower wheels and gears.

Guess what the problem was? Yes wheels in wheels again. I mean how in the hell can a payloader dumping things from heights end up weaving wheels within wheels again.

So I pulled on the hay mower wheels and they were kind of balanced and they gave some. TL was digging things out underneath, and after about passing out from the heat, TL said we should just ask about help......so off I went.......could not find the guy, so I wandered back thinking it was it for the day, tugged on some things, and Holy Angels had been at work as the dumb bell wheels moved some, the tiller moved some, and next thing I knew I had the mess pilled in heap in the road. I had only bent an aluminium pipe which sort of disappeared back into the junk pile and was working on bending a metal pipe, when we got it out, and with a bit more jigging, the things popped loose.

Wonderful!!!! The tiller seemed stuck, but we went and called the guy on the phone, he picked up, came out of his junk house, and we walked over and talked about a half hour about coof and things, things which we will be going back for when it cools off, as those things need a payloader to move them.

So I ask what he needed for the tiller. He said make an offer. I said 10 bucks, and he said it was a deal, so off I pulled our 1 handle tiller as the other one had been broken off.

It is a Montegomery Ward 3HP roto tiller. I started pulling oil plugs and it has oil, but the tiller is stuck, but I beat the clutch into movement so it was a good day in stinging sweat in my eyes to accomplish this much.
If I can get the tiller gears free or figure out what is the hold up, it is the plan to put a 1/2 HP electric motor on this one.

I could not have bought the tine for 10 bucks, so it was a good deal. I get it running and it will be a really great deal, as I am looking forward to wiring the switch for the plug in so that it will be real up town.
I might even get some fancy pants stuff in a rod on it to keep the electric cord up and away from me and the tines.

I have it sitting in the back of the pick up to admire, and so I can have easy access to go by and hit it with a hammer wrench at times to act like I am working on it.

Sort of my kind of project. Wiring an electric motor which needs soldering. Wiring a switch, figuring how to unstuck this thing, getting a pulley on the motor, getting a belt on it as it is bound to explode the minute I get it together.......and keeping that old 3 HP engine, as I am sure it will want to run sometime.......just need a carb and breather, new cord to chug it to life and I will see what happens with it.
Probably can steal the parts off some junked mowers somewhere as people never want that trash piled up anyway. It is all a work in progress, but the main progress is I better get this thing working........think it should as the bearings look good and the seals do too.

Anyway that is my junk mountain adventure.

Nuff Said
