As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It should be evident now that what I said is fact, in they are trying to get you to catch this secondary virus. The big death zones are New Jersey, Florida, Texas and California, with other nits passing mask laws, as we are informed now that this plague is spreading by coof droplets and you must wear a mask.
-the VikingDearest Sisters,Ok, so I witnessed the proof you presented for Selenium and Pterostilbene, and Vit d, b12, and Potassium and Magnesium, and henceforth have set down every morning since and ingested whatever supply of those substances I have. I’m not nearly as fastidious as I should be with home hygenics, but I wash my hands at every opportunity where a transfer of that plague could have occurred, and as soon afterwards as possible, and so far, so good.
Yeah you were told the lethal strain is from eating shit and the non lethal was snot. This virus is quite hearty, will live like 5 minutes in bleach. The death rate is running 1.5% which is way under the original 15% critical and death rate, but it is filling up hospitals, and making more money for the investors.
All of this could be stopped with Chlorquine and Zinc.
There is going to be this ebbing and flowing spike all summer, as it helps the politics. Come end of August, all those vermin Mexican children will be at school infecting all the other races, and sending them home to infect their parents for a big ole plague in September.
The dearest Mommie is probably correct in Baby Girl should try to school local in first year of college.
I heard Theodore the astrologer on Coast to Coast state the stars are saying this is going to be a problem past 2021 AD in the year of our Lord.
Someone is sure keeping this canker alive for the misuse of the world.
My plan is even with my exposure, to ride this pony. I will be wearing gloves. We will be laying low now for a month, hit our stock up in August, and stocking up again for this school choice plague spike. I have no idea, but will study the numbers, in if we will go back to town before spring in 2021 AD in the year of our Lord.
Ode to joy, will be rid of one two legged virus by then.
Nuff Said