This won't hurt one bit, but it will make you beg God you die
to never have to do it again
I was reading a thread about a guy who probably caught Coronavirus from his RN wife, whose place of work flushed out four carriers. His statement of feeling lethargic, achy, fever, wanting to sleep, and then waking up with a high fever and bronchial chest pains, was bad, but then they sent him to an in car test, where a nurse came out in a hazmat suit, and stuck one of those 6 inch Q tips up his nose.
He said it burned, hit to his brain, made him gag, his eyes were watering and it took him 5 minutes to recover so he could drive home.
Went to testing site and waited in car. Lady came out dressed in a PPR suit and said "Don't pull away or pull this out." I plastered my head against the headrest and waited. She stuck a long q-tip up my nose until they touched my brain. Then kind of swiped it around a bit. Then held it there for about 30 seconds.
The whole time I'm gagging and my eyes are running. Once she pulled it out it took me about 5 minutes before I could drive.
Someone mentioned a check swab method, but finding out what are the tests is not something which is covered, just what is probably coming.

Some of the tests in development swap brain-tickling swabs for plastic tubes that collect spit. Others dunk patient samples into chemical cocktails that light up when they detect coronavirus genes. Another type of test identifies coronavirus proteins in minutes, using a cheap device that’s easy to produce in bulk and deploy in low-resource settings.“To combat this virus, we need to test widely and frequently, and get the results back quickly,” said Dr. Zev Williams at Columbia University, who is developing a coronavirus spit test that can run in about 30 minutes. “That requires a genuine paradigm shift in the way we go about testing for it.”
My thoughts in this are, if you think you got this biological weapon, what the heck good is a test. This guy sounded like he has a lethal strain, and so he will wait two days to be told he has the virus, instead of taking Chloroquine and Zinc, to knock the weapon out of his system, before it goes into late phase 2 and into 3.
I just fail to see any point in a test that apparently is as fun as old rabies shots or a testicle examination. If a person is sick, take the treatment and to hell with the test as you need the treatment anyway.
While I do not have bandwidth for this, I found this link on Rense, and apparently the virtue of Soros Gates vaccines is to change your DNA. What I found sourced once and placed here for your information, which no one else has stated is, the vaccine is dead baby serum, but in this serum is the old Coronavirus, which they have spliced the bioweapon 1237 protein spike. The old virus is there so your body recognizes it, as it will not recognize this bioweapon. This in turn is supposed to sheath the 1237 in theory.
All this chimera protein though replication as this serum does replicate as that is how an immune response is generated, and in the 150 mcg doses, it about kills people, so they only give 100 mcgs, which again, you inject this living stuff into your body, and it is replicating, jamming into cells, and we know from this blog posts that the Germans discovered this virus, sends out tentacles from cells it is in to move, and to harpoon other cells to spread the virus. Those are a great deal of biological weapon things going on, already, and it does give pause as to what is in this serum which is hidden, that is going to make your DNA into something else.
Urgent - Stunning Info About Coming DNA Changing
Coronavirus VAX Which Will Alter Your Genome And
Turn All Those Injected Into GMOs...& Much More - Watch
Having had uncomfortable exams, as who does not like their ovaries rubbed or things jammed into places you should not have things jammed into, I simply would not get a test. These assholes who are advocating that people get tested all the time, must be sadists who like tearing sinus cavities as a sinus is not supposed to have rug burns on it.
So I will leave you with your decisions in what to do and this comment.
My wife just had one done in preparation for a surgery. She told the nurse it hurt and made her eyes water. The nurse said "I make most grown men cry." Sadistic little thing.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said