Wednesday, July 22, 2020

A Fool and China soon go their Separate Way

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Paul Craig Roberts is usually a writer who makes a great deal of sense, but his recent venting about the United States sending 2 aircraft carriers into the Sea of Taiwan is complete ignorance.

Roberts - China can eliminate US aircraft carriers at will

“It is not a meaningful military action for the United States to send two aircraft carriers. Two aircraft carriers are no threat whatsoever to China. China can eliminate the aircraft carriers at will,” said Paul Craig Roberts, who was Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury Department under former President Ronald Reagan.
“And so this is not a significant action. This is some sort of public relations for the American public to keep them, believing that the United States has enemies and needs a very strong military budget. It’s also a product of President Trump. Having been on the defensive for the entirety of his presidential term, accused of being a foreign agent, a Russian agent, and so he has to show that he stands up for America. So that's all the aircraft carriers are,”

In dissecting Roberts, one dissects American policy, and each statement Roberts made is valuable in explaining US policy in Asia.

It is not a meaningful military action This begs the question of what is a meaningful military action as Paul Craig Roberts does not explain himself.

Would meaningful be detonating cobalt hydrogen bombs along the Chinese coast, causing massive atomic tidal waves which would kill everything 10 miles inland on the Chinese coast for 5 years be meaningful?
Would seizing by armed invasion illegal Chinese made islands in those waters be meaningful?

By contrast in meaningful, one United States aircraft carrier can sink the entire Chinese navy. Two American aircraft carriers would obliterate a Chinese invasion of Taiwan.

Those realities prove Paul Craig Roberts statement incorrect as American carriers are a massive threat. Place the new jdam atomic weapons on board those carriers, and they would within hours make China a landlocked nation in setting them back to rice paddy status.

China can eliminate the aircraft carriers at will. This is another statement which is ludicrous by Paul Craig Roberts. In order to destroy an American carrier, any Chinese weapon's platform would have to penetrate an electronic screening net of 500 miles.
Saying and doing are two different military realities. To the point if China did sink an American aircraft carrier, it would face trillions of dollars in destruction by the United States long range bomber fleet.
China would die as Japan died for attacking Pearl Harbor.

“And so this is not a significant action. This is some sort of public relations for the American public to keep them, believing that the United States has enemies and needs a very strong military budget. There seems to be a disconnect from the Paul Craig Roberts who served under Ronald Reagan, and even the Paul Craig Roberts of a month ago, with he Paul Craig Roberts who makes flat world statements as the above.
The deployment of aircraft carriers in the Sea of Taiwan, sends a message to India, that the United States will back India in their brutal border war with China, which China recently and stupidly pressed to hand to hand combat, and was soundly thrashed by Indian troops. Those aircraft carriers send a message that the United States is operational even with the Coronavirus, and did not fold like that dimwit who was in command of the Roosevelt, who told the world his ship was a  ghost ship.
Those carriers send a message to the Philippines, Taiwan, Vietnam, Korea, Singapore and Japan that the United States will defend them against Chicom aggression.  That is a significant message to Asia that the United States will dare Peking to take on a US task force, and when Peking runs away and hides as Peking has done, in Asia, the communists of China have lost face and with it all leverage in the region.

So that's all the aircraft carriers are,” Thee above rebuttal of Paul Craig Robert's incorrect assessment, proves the aircraft carriers are a psychological reminder to China that even as China unleashed the Coronavirus Wuhan in a deliberate PLA spread, that China is losing.

China lost in taking Hong Kong.

China has lost in advancing 5G.

China has lost it's economic power.

China has lost Asia.

The Chinese are backstabbing, lying, cheating, racist narcissists. They believe they are a master race and will believe anything an Occidental tells them. The fact is the Chinese is of the lowest Mongol order of subspecies of humans, and compare nothing to the industry of the Japanese, Korean, Filipino or Vietnamese.

China has never won a war outside it's borders, because China has never won a war inside it's borders. They are an incapable race

This is not to define China though as not a threat, because China is a serious threat as their Wuhan lab by Barack Hussein Obama proves. China deals in crimes against humanity warfare. The same species which cuts body organs out of living inmates in prison to sell to foreigners, is the same species which just created a first strike biological weapon.

Much has been written in the fringe about China using an EMP against the United States. One EMP would not fry the electrical grid as this blog has proven. The Chinese took months to start his plague, after massive effort and still failed. They are incompetent, but comprehend enough to not as the cowards they are to take on any nation with a frontal assault.
Any EMP attack would bring an obliterating strike by the United States, as EMP is nuclear bombs detonated over America.

The Chinese will employ hacking to disrupt power grids, employ saboteurs in technology and will release other biological weapons, but the Chinese would scapegoat Iran in having the Persians blamed for a nuclear attack on Jew York City. A logical scenario as the Jews are obliterating daily new portions of Iran in another war which has begun in this world, for which Americans will become the target.

There is one way for China to survive, and that is by the sea. China does not have enough natural resources or food to survive. There is not enough rail nor road transportation to feed that 1.4 billion Chinamen. That leaves the sea for oil, food and trade. What sits now on that lifeline? The United States with two aircraft carriers.
China can not survive by land trade. China must be supplied by sea, and that vulnerability is being beaten into those Chinese racist skulls.

The PLA is a group of arrogant thugs who have been bullying Chinese and other Asians. They have been threatening the United States. The PLA is being humiliated as is the Chinese regime, in the world is watching 2 US task forces pissing in a Chinese pond, and the Chinese are too afraid to come out and play, the way the Russians interact with the United States.

The only response left to China by the US naval actions is conduit nuclear terrorism inside the United States, but that action while crippling, would not be terminal to America, for the response would be to strike the Chinese conduit in Iran, as North Korea would quake in making certain America knew it was not their nukes. That leave Iran, and with it, that leaves China without the necessary oil supply or gold laundering aspects to life support their paper tiger economy.

In direct conflict with the United States in conventional warfare, China dies in 30 days. In indirect conflict with the United States in Iran, China dies in 90 days.

Those are the realities of China and you would not learn any of this, reading Paul Craig Roberts who has gone the way of the dinosaur, in being irrelevant for the bones.

Nuff Said
