Wednesday, July 22, 2020

The German Ordering of the World

Merkel’s intervention follows the publication of an opinion piece in Wednesday’s edition of the daily Handelsblatt, in which Foreign Minister Heiko Maas suggested Europe’s estrangement from the U.S. runs much deeper than frustration with Trump. After 70 years of depending on the U.S., Europe should pursue “a new world order,” Maas said.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With Germany now presiding over Europe, the reality is that Angela Merkel must not just follow up on the groundwork that Chancellor Sebastian Kurz astutely laid for Europe and the world, when the Motherland presided over the EU, but Frau Merkel, must federalize the European Union in a new order, where a 10 nation Senate permanently governs Europe, while a Congress of the remaining states deals with the individual national issues of all of Europe.

There is a historical genetic fact, that most of Europe is German. The Russians are ruled by the Russ a Swedish people of German relations. The Austrian Hungarian empire, again was Germanic. Scandinavia is Germanic. The Norman French are Viking Germanics. Germany and the Lowlands are Germanic. The most relevant parts of the United Kingdom from Ireland to England are Saxon oriented groups who are German.
From Dublin to Moscow, Europe is a Germanic race, and it is fitting that the world is learning the German language.


President Donald Trump should be embracing Germany, in working with the Germans as he himself is German. The lions share of the productive White race in America is Shemite Germanics of the Israelite House of Joseph. In essence, Assyria was a Shemite race as were the Lost 10 Tribes. They are cousin peoples and America was a Republic founded on Germans, and a great deal better off than under the English, French or Spanish systems.
The prevailing nations in South America are all Germanic based. The Germans are superior diplomats, masters of self governance and the race fitted to lead the world into the 22nd century.

There is though damage to the German American order and the fault lays with Barack Obama and the holdovers in the Trump Administration who view Germany as the pretty industrial economic possession of Wall Street, instead as the equal partner to the world order.

Angela Merkel has in public stated she favors the United States, but she is shrewd in her diplomacy, because the reality her Foreign Minister has stated what is the fact, Germany leading Europe is on the rise, and the world is preparing for a world where America is not dominant. There is a German order coming, and President Donald Trump would do best to take the opportunity of this surge to advance American interests, instead of working to try and stop an unstoppable tidal wave, as Europe is returning to a pre American period brought on by English world wars, aimed at obliterating Lutheran Germany as a competitor. It would be in American interests to join with European Germany and likewise with Asian Japan as the triad of power, which would separate the United States from Russian conflict, as America is the diplomatic adhesive for Indo Asia, rising to replace the Chinese.

A New World Order has arrived. This does not mean an order where the United States is not leading, but it means the United States is not dictating, nor having to expend trillions on military for global conflicts. Europe is going to have a historical problem with the Bourbon bloodlines of France, Spain, Italy and Greece, who are always at unrest. Poland is becoming annexed as will the Slavic peoples, but those nations will have to be provided for in work. Then there is the historic bear in the cave of Russia, which Europe will have to Bismark deal with in the enigma there.
These headaches belong to Berlin and not Moscow, just as Tokyo deserves the headaches of Asia. The world would be a better place with a trading America in thee Americas, of German lead leadership, joining the masters of Eurasia in partnerships working toward the stars.

I firmly believe the Frau Cow, Angela Merkel, already has the magic rabbits to pull out of her hat to create a German dominated world. Germany and Austria though can not cede control back to lesser European nations, so a new ruling order must be instituted and none is better than a German Senate group leading the European House. Germany and Austria must continue to hold the power, not in covert measures as when Merkel formed the Lisbon Treaty, but in outright governance to progress stability.

This must be the world order as it is the only one which successfully supplanted Rome brought the world true civilization. The wog must be put back into their cages and not brought into the civlized world to become forced labor. With robotics, and natural resources in the 3rd world, the wog would be offered credit goods, created by the West, and this would become the balance of trade. This is the Sebastian Kurz model and it is an astute solution to the Obama flooding the world with 3rd world vermin.

Angela Merkel must create this world order and then astutely hand it over to Sebastian Kurz as President of the 10 European Senate. Heir Kurz could guide Europe for decades as he is a young man of brilliant countenance, a Bismark of the 21st century. This will bring stability to the world and release the United States from it's abhorrent community organized Obama ghettos to establish under Donald Trump a George Washington reality of America at peace , in prosperity, trading with the world.

This once again, is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
