Thursday, July 30, 2020


NY Times slips in shocking new details on UFO “crash retrieval” data and materials

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I will not speculate on the obvious that the New York Times for the CIA has been deliberately disseminating UFO information, and the source is the Navy, which has it's own CIA, and has been managing the off the book United States space program from it's inception.

What is of interest in this is what great deception is being prepared, because for the first time the New York Times is quoting material which only Colonel Phil Corso and others have mentioned, and that being direct debris and craft, which for the past 70 years since Roswell New Mexico, the intelligence community has made a point to discount.

Hull materials of these craft are composites of two materials which alone have no strength, and yet magnesium and bismuth, in these layers, which white science has no idea how the materials are joined, are super strong.

The noted Art Bell did more to bring the science out of these composites for the public to understand than anyone. Bob Lazar, who I have never had the pleasure, was the mad scientist of the legendary Area 51, Groom Lake and Dreamland, all different sites, but they became the stuff of legend as Lazar explained in his rambling verse, the science behind these crafts.
The pilot melded with the actual craft in hand slots and mind control. How the craft moved were do to electro magnetic current warping over the composite. The craft swam, so to speak through earth or space in these pulses.

 What I have always believed is what I have published here. These are demonic in part, a human group opened up the portals and started being tutored in the forbidden knowledge. Replicants and genetic engineered things were created for the physical dimension of this side.

One clever group opened up a knowledge current in the Nazis of Germany. This would be the of earth manufacture of these advanced craft The German Bell was recovered on a flight in the United States. There were legends and rumors abounding in what really was under Wright Patterson in Ohio, Craft like at Area 51 which had been knocked down by new American radars.
We were provided a series of unclassified slides showing that the program took this seriously enough to include it in numerous briefings. One slide says one of the program’s tasks was to “arrange for access to data/reports/materials from crash retrievals of A.A.V.’s,” or advanced aerospace vehicles.
Wait a minute. “Advanced Aerospace Vehicles?” So now we have yet another acronym to deal with? (AAV) The reporters go into detail, saying that their Pentagon sources were quite clear in what they meant by this. They aren’t talking about “vehicles made in any country — not Russian or Chinese.” Instead, they are referring to “technology in the realm of the truly unexplained.” The sources go on to tell Kean and Blumenthal that their statements are based on “facts, not beliefs.”

Colonel Phil Corso stated his assignment in the military was to direct technologies recovered to US industry, Bell Labs for one. The eye lens of greys in the alien replicants were the source of night vision and display helmets. Corso while speaking of a laser he accidentally fired in his office, started a fire, and in David John Oates, reverse speech, was warning of the danger of that item.
If you think Steve Jobs was a genius at APPLE, that outlet was privy for sometime to the forbidden sciences, to propel the public forward into the technologies which are there and are still unknown.

William Cooper wrote the tell all about this in Behold a Pale Horse. In his UFO sections he mentions interesting data on these craft. He in fact noted a 10 minute engagement with a flying saucer when he was in the Navy, as the craft plunged into the water and would lift back to the skies.

The whole time that I was in Vietnam and especially on the DMZI had 
noticed that there was a lot of UFO activity. We had individual 24-hour 
crypto code sheets that we used to encode messages, but because of the 
danger that one of them could be captured at any time, we used special 
code words for sensitive information. UFOs, I was told, were definitely 
sensitive information. I learned exactly how sensitive when all the people 
of an entire village disappeared after UFOs were seen hovering above their 
huts. I learned that both sides had fired upon the UFOs, and they had 
blasted back with a mysterious blue light. Rumors floated around that 
UFOs had kidnapped and mutilated two army soldiers, then dropped 
them in the bush. No one knew how much of this was true, but the fact that 
the rumors persisted made me tend to think there was at least some truth 
in them. I found out later that most of those rumors were true. 
Behold a Pale Horse
William Cooper

Logic dictates that you are being prepared, like you have already been conditioned in lame Canadian remakes of Battlestar Gallactica, a narration of your being part of the star children,  a seeded race from the galaxy which has been overturned numerous times on this planet in the rises and falling of civilizations. It is a convenient way to discard God with all the accoutrements of the wonders of advanced craft which can fly you to the planets.

The technology is real. I have heard that the composites were remarkable in they would stop bullets and that they can be crushed and will unwrinkle themselves to original state. It sort of is amazing that mere radar waves could disrupt the electromagnetic pulse over the skin of these craft and they would crash.

Just make sure you stay anchored in Christ, as the Bible warns things are coming which will deceive the very elect if it were possible.

Remember those with the clearances informed Ronald Reagan of enough that he spoke philosophically about the world joining against a common alien enemy. There are people you trusted like Jackie Gleason who was shown enough alien evidence by President Richard Nixon that it changed him as he recounted the experience.

I have to reign in my fascination to a minimum, even though I'm intrigued. It is darkness and I will not venture into it as there are enough conduits now wearing an expressway between the dimensions which should have stayed closed.

Nuff Said
