Thursday, July 30, 2020

The answer is not masks, but Dunking

Thank you America for our Mexican dream of being dunked in disinfectant

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

People have not correlated the plague spread in the United States, but it equals the spread of typhus plague in World War II, by a ghetto group in the Jews who were spreading this death and endangering the rest of civilized Europe.

The fact remains that in the United States, it was the dirty Chinese, the soiled Italians and the filthy Mexicans who spread this disease, as the unwashed and unkempt Negroes died in their own plagues. It was said long ago that "Wash and be Clean" to be saved from Small Pox, and that is the fact, that small pox spread among people who did not bathe and once they contracted it the sores are what killed the filthy people.

As this blog predicted months ago, the plague in America would settle last on the Indians and the Mexicans, and  the states would be California, Arizona and Texas, and that is the reality of the summer plague in the United States, as this genus of the virus is running rampant through the filthy Mexicans.

This plague has to do with race and the races who are dirty. If the Obama protocols which called for murdering off old White people in nursing homes who vote Republican, had not been unleashed, America would have 80,000 fewer dead, and the entire numbers would not be Caucasians but these ethnics whose hygiene is pure aboriginal.

They are both in urban, as well as rural, agricultural areas,” said Dr. George Rutherford, an epidemiologist and infectious diseases expert at UC San Francisco. “There’s tremendous amount of transmission in Southern California, in particular in Orange and Los Angeles counties.”
The virus is spreading through the Latino community as essential workers get sick and spread the illness in their communities, Rutherford and others have noted.
The seven-day average for daily coronavirus-related deaths reached 102 on Thursday — the first time the number went above 100, according to a Los Angeles Times analysis of its county-by-county tally of pandemic deaths. Daily death tolls have soared in recent days, hitting 119 Tuesday, 158 Wednesday — a new one-day record — and 153 deaths Thursday, the second-worst daily death toll. An additional 136 fatalities were reported Friday.
A cumulative total of 8,340 Californians infected with the coronavirus have died.
L.A. County’s single largest coronavirus outbreak hit the garment factory Los Angeles Apparel, where more than 300 were sickened and four people died.
Hundreds of agricultural workers in Ventura County have tested positive for the virus. One outbreak struck a housing complex that provides agricultural employers with temporary housing for their workers. In Imperial County, a rural and impoverished region with a largely Latino population east of San Diego, hospitals were so overwhelmed that at least 500 COVID-19 patients were transferred out of the county.

The solution to this aboriginal plague in the United States is the same as with sheep. Put them into a creosote dunk bath, spray their contaminated homes with creosote and these dirty foreigners would be healed.
I have an existential experience in these dirty foreigners, in my part of the world, the Mexicans gain first status at milking cows. These beaners REEK of dairy antiseptic as they are too cheap to buy soap or anything civilized like toilet paper. The beaners who stink like dairy potions are not getting sick. It is the Mexicans who are in the communal showers at cheese processing plants and the meat processing plants which are the plague spreaders.
I will also inform you, DO NOT BELIEVE THE BULLSHIT THAT MEXICANS are not still pouring into the United States. I have witnessed new batches of these vermin, the last one looked like he had his head caught in a power mower, so Mexico is still exporting it's diseased vermin. I play a game with them in talking loudly in English about hating the stench of dairy barns in they stink. Amazing thing the grinning loitering Mexicans all disappear when I make honest commentary like that and have not returned.

The only problem in this deliberate plague spread to the beaner is that it is not fulfilling Bill Gates 15% cropping of the Mexican. Mexico is actually exceeding the US death toll by proportions, but as Mexicans are dying in America mostly, a thousand a day would take decades to crop off 10 million of these vermin. This biological weapon is a total failure and the PLA had such high hopes.......I did too, but my Trump check was only for me, not TL, so 1200 dollars is not exactly a balancing of the books for putting him into the Oval Office.

So to stop this plague, the Lame Cherry advocates communities starting dunking Mexicans and any of this dirty aboriginal trash twice a day, and to send out fire crews to hose down their homes with creosote. I like the smell of Lysol and it would be a good perfume for these types. It also stains and no one would notice on their dark skins.

Let our communities wash our vermin and be clean of the plague. The English used to give a cup of coal oil or kerosene as a tonic, and America should say cheers with something to knock the critters out of these primates intestines to. Worms, coronavirus, it would all succumb to a good dose of kerosene, and as the jets are not flying, it would use up that additional fuel for the good of humanity.

This is about all the help I can provide in saving the tanskins, instead of standing around with a finger up our ass lamenting the poor beaner plague. Wash these grubbers up with a disinfectant that will not wash off, and the aboriginals can go back to being slaves to the corporates and fulfill their purpose in life in genociding White America.

Yes once again no need for billion dollar mRNA vaccines to change DNA, just a good dunking of Lysol and a swig of jet fuel to cure the aboriginals of what ails them.

Nuff Said
