No, give me a second......I know my name.....
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Legally by law, Joe Biden must prepare for what will never happen, in his being President, and weirdly there is a law which mandates this 6 months out, and Biden appointed the goof who wrote the law.
Leading the team is former Sen. Ted Kaufman (D-DE), who filled Biden's senate seat when he became VP - and led Biden's 2008 and 2009 transition team, according to Fox News.
Kauffman says they're in the "very early stages of pre-transition planning" after hiring around six people - including "Obama Administration and Capitol Hill veterans," according to the report. There's also a former CIA official.
Yohannes Abraham, a longtime senior White House staffer in the Obama administration and former COO of the Obama Foundation, will manage day-to-day operations. Avril Haines, former principal deputy national security advisor and deputy director of the CIA, will manage the transition's national security and foreign policy efforts.
Other staffers will include Gautam Raghavan, chief of staff to Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash.; Angela Ramirez, chief of staff to Assistant Speaker Ben Ray Lujan of New Mexico; Evan Ryan, a senior advisor to Biden during the Obama administration, and Julie Siegel, who worked for Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., as senior counsel for economic policy. -Fox News
So in knowing how brain dead Joe Biden is in having pedophilia on the mind all the time, this Lame Cherry thought it would be good to have a good look at the people that Joe Biden has entrusted in this most critical time in America's history. Fittingly these people all look like something Joe Biden would pick.
Julie Siegel it says worked for Grandma Warren. Granted she looks like her parents were related retards, but the good news is for Ms. Siegel, she is the intelligent looking one in the group of primates Joe Biden trusts America with.

Here is a look at Teddy Kaufman, the man Joe Biden picked to run his Senate office and the replace him. Apparently Teddy is suffering from senility too, as he looks like oatmeal confuses him at breakfast and all day.

You will notice a trend in Biden's picks, that he trolls around for representatives of groups who hate America and Americans. Here is Yohannes Abraham, the Muslim in the group who Obama hand picked, and looks like a terrorist who would blow himself up by accident.
Yes he has the same Obama lips and looks like he sucks cock too.

This is the CIA chic, a coup plotter and why else would Obama have something like this around as she looks not intelligent enough to know right from wrong and she sure was not there hoover Obama.
Oh her name is Avril Haines.

Every senile old man needs a real Indian so here is Angela Ramirez out of coofer New Mexico. Again not hired for looks and I do not want to contemplate the 85 IQ potential.

Then there is the gay communist Indian, as every transition needs a gay communist Indian in Gautam Raghavan.

Lastly we have the woman with the guy name of Evan Ryan. She looks like she is in a perpetual choom haze and has lips that Biden would dream about sucking his cock.

All of these people are the reason we are having riots and American history is being trolled in statue toppling. Most of these trolls are who Obama had in his White House, which brought us Benghazi Muslim raping fags to death, 500,000 dead in Syria, building the Wuhan China biological weapon's lab and the Obama Intifada.
Personally, if these people showed up in my office looking for a job, I would tell them they were in the top 10 and then never call them back, as they would believe it, and wait the rest of their lives with cobwebs woven on them waiting for the call. I can not think of a more reflective list of self absorbed confused staring folks which are fitting for Joe Biden to pick.
The only person missing is that Afroid ditz from Georgia who tried to impeach President Trump as she is low IQ too as Biden's Vice Presidential choice.
These people have one word which fits all. Vacuous, Bruce Chilton vacuous.
Nuff Said