Saturday, July 25, 2020

Educating by Books - Not Brainwashed Teachers

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is a strange thing that communists like Barack Hussein Obama knew to corrupt our schools to poison children's minds, but it has been lost on Americans what Martin Luther, knew and advocated in 1525 AD in the year of our Lord, that the salvation of a population was TEACHING CHILDREN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION BY THE STATE.

PRESS SECRETARY: ‘We Will Teach Our Children to Cherish and Adore Their Country’   hannity

Study this quote about Martin Luther and understand that you would not be here, America in Protestant success would not be here, and the world would never have experienced civilization if it had not been for Martin Luther's advocacy in Saxony, with the ruling princes to create Protestant Schools reformed from Vatican screed.

Luther knew the Reformation could not succeed unless there were strong Christian schools ready and able to train young children and people to be God fearing citizens of both Church and State.

Luther in 1520 began advocating for the German princes to set up schools in every village, so boys and girls could learn the Gospel, how to read and write, and to work their numbers.

This is why leftists targeted schools so to brainwash children to be sexual deviants and create morons who were expected nothing of in being responsible and could blame others for their failures.

Unless the United States seizes back the public and private schools, and obliterates the dogma and propaganda, the United States will end in this generation, due to the fact that 30 years of Bush, Clinton and Obama teaching of socialism, and promoting hatred of God, Christians and America has brought about the soy child snowflake mob which hates itself and hates America.

Martin Luther proved with sound education and state sponsorship of Christianity, that the world become a revolution for civilized good. America was the product of these Protestants setting in responsible liberty and teaching their children Christian morality which founded and built a great nation.

An entire process was devolved though to destroy American Protestants and the CIA took over through Vatican agents every Protestant leadership and corrupted it to sodomy and debauchery. Schools were brainwashing children to become deluded failures. One must understand that America is in a mirror way what Germany was. Children could not read or write. They had no idea of the Salvation of God. Their lives were feudal in having no hope nor future, because education was not permitted. Lutheranism changed all of that, and the Vatican tried to stamp it out after Luther died, but it continued to grow and overcame the corrupt system by God's Grace.

There is an opportunity now to Lutheranize America. The Coronavirus has proven that multi trillion dollar schools are unnecessary. Children can be educated with a laptop, with proper supervision. The Lame Cherry advocates that Protestant Churches set up Laptop labs to oversee children from grades 1 through 12 to complete their assignments, before being picked up by parents who are aware of what their child is learning and their children are learning.
Colleges are a matter of choice, and that choice there are the realities of the world is full of books. Anyone, who has studied, should be able to take an online exam and be certified for anything. America needs to return to the Noah Webster era of education with McGuffey's Reader as a base.
America does not need 3000 pages of Birther Hussein Obama and 1 sentence of George Washington.

America needs a Luther education reformation, and it can be accomplished by ridding America of teachers and academics, for books, books and more books created before 1950 AD in the year of our Lord.

This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
