Saturday, July 25, 2020

The Proverbial World

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

All is in vain according to King Solomon, the literal founder of the modern man from the ancients in the Wisdom, understanding and knowledge which came through the world by him from God.

The reality is Solomon's purpose was to show the futility of ecclesiastical man in ignorance, fallen from the proverbial Wisdom of God.

A man without God is a creature like animals, as the Spirit of God is not in them. The shame of this is, that their pets and plants never then are exposed to the eternal Spirit though the Prophetic man. A man without God is a man of the forces of science and nature. He is but a rock, a rat, a plant, an ape.
He comes in his season, bides his time and dies. He is not any different than the fruit of the tree or the gain of sprouted wheat. A man born of this world gathers to himself the world, and in the end like a robin's nest of mud and grass, is soon crumbled to the earth and there is not a trace of the person or their works within a few years has all been scattered.

Solomon is right in his assessment from a man's point of view of the physical world. Yet with the Spirit of God, man becomes transformed into a new creation, without the limits of existence upon this earth.

Solomon the man though sees the world as the scientist and humanist. His words in the King James are Vanity of Vanities, but in the NIV he declares that all is Meaningless in this world as the perpetual motion of life and death has no end. His lament is, "What good is life in all the effort in it, if everything dies and nothing is remembered".

Life is a happiness which is the moment and thrill, but soon turns the melancholy majority of time, for this is happiness. It is why the Christian lives in joy, for Joy is perpetual with God. Joy never fades.

All Is Vanity

1 1  The words of the Teacher,[1] son of David, king in Jerusalem: 2  "Meaningless! Meaningless!" says the Teacher. "Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless." 3  What do people gain from all their labors at which they toil under the sun?

As I was reading this in my Bible time with the Holy Ghost, in quoting the fool the Preacher without God, the one Word which spoke to me is the futility of people without God. This world as Ecclesiastics preachers is a world of times and season. There is a time to be born and a time to die, but in Solomon's examination his sorrow appears when that which is in between in the good things of life, the having a good pet, having good friends, accomplishing a nice garden, enjoying a walk, seeing a rainbow, are not preserved, and that which is heaped up in stocks, gold, fame and power, is gone when the last beat of the heart thumps.

Solomon sees the endless cycle as wearisome, as it is overwhelming. Snow melts upon the mountain, makes the spring, creates the rivers and yet the oceans never fill, as they evaporate and the snow falls back upon the mountain. The seeming timeless nature of earth is too much for the human, and it becomes boring as Solomon states there is nothing new, as everything has happened before.

Solomon though neglects as a human to comprehend that what seems futile in this world, is the work of God in motion in the laws which the world obeys. The earth breathes in it's oceans, exhales moisture, which condenses in the sky and the streams are the blood of the world, nourishing this planet with life giving waters, all in reflections of God's Spirit and the Living Water of Christ. The world is meaningless without God's Glory overshadowing all. The rainbow to the queer is hijacked for sexual deviancy in people destroying themselves, but to God this is His Promise to never destroy the world by flood again.

Everything is meaningless without understanding that God is revealing Himself and Purposes in nature which sings out in Glory of God's wonderful plans. The moon in the sky is the reminder that mankind without the Light of God fades to darkness as the world gets in the way of light. The phases of the moon are the phases of man. The New Moon is the Ecclesiastical man, the Full Moon is the Proverbial Offspring of God.

5  The sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries back to where it rises. 6  The wind blows to the south and turns to the north; round and round it goes, ever returning on its course. 7  All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full. To the place the streams come from, there they return again.

That is the lesson of the Preacher and for all scientists and all those who reject God, and it reflects in their lament every day of their life, their lifelessness, because without God's revelations and understandings their is not Wonder and Joy, but only sullenness and fleeting seconds of happiness with perpetual sorrows.

When I look upon the world as a Christian, the Holy Ghost provides Divine Vision. I see things in His eyes and understand in my simple ways how God is declaring Himself in everything. I know now that my pets are dependent upon me, in my being Spiritual in God's Law, for my presence evolves them to a higher creature. They are no longer Ecclesiastical cats, but Proverbial cats which God has place in Heaven. It matters not that it is wild game I have harvested, because they are mine too and will be in flocks in Heaven. Evil will not prevail, but that which the Spirit in me Breathes into will come to the glories of God in Heaven.

Solomon in Ecclesiastics could never write such revelations, to answer questions and bring Joy to those who will realize, "That lemon tree I planted in my patio, he will be with me in Heaven, bearing wonders of Light to Glorify God". Yes everything in contact with the Apostles of Christ, goes with us to Heaven in the intricate wonders of God is not going to waste millions of plants, animals, bugs and life, because they are all His, doing their ministerial work in speaking a message to People to bring them to Faith in God.

The endless cycles of this world are not a lament, but a praise to the creation of God in by His children, more and more becoming forever in the good and the love of all that is living in the Lord.

I have had great sadness in me, since my puppy Ruby died. For I knew she was here. My brother saw her 500 miles away at his home, and I could feel her in times of stress and I felt her as she gathered to me the many animals which I have had and have died. I knew immediately that Ruby's purpose through my Spirit in her, was to bring all the animals I have had, and to make peace with them, as not all were good endings. That done, Ruby vanished and I have missed her, and satan whispered that she was busy with better things, but that was not the case at all, as that was Ruby's Purpose in creation. She was born to heal with me the breach of my animals, where there was no breach, but only sadness in betrayals. It is all new again, and all is past, and I look forward with joy to the remembering of animals I have forgotten as there were so many. It will be a vast plain where I believe we will live in working for God's Glory when I return. I'm not a Spirit of 200 mile cube New Jerusalem cities. I'm a wind of the open spaces and there I will find contentment in God.

It is as our neighbor Doreen told TL this past week, "I don't want to go to Heaven to see the people, I want to go see my animals again".
We all are different in our resonance in the Light of God, and in that when we see the Proverbial world, it is one which is creating Glories for God when we minister in this place which will pass away, just as we will leave to a His better Place.

This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
