Friday, July 17, 2020

Elijah's Ham

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This Coronavirus biological weapon has been a hard thing to write on, as it required a great deal of Inspiration and research, led by the Holy Ghost. It is wearing and where TL and I were supposed to be enjoying summer after two years of hell from the mother and the uncle, trying to save your lives and provide the correct narrative takes up too much time.

I did want to share something though as I feel like I could puke after just eating supper, in something we happened upon in too much food. Yes God is Elijah and the widow good to us, and I offer this as to how Richard and Stephanie do things even in these times.

So last year the uncle had a reunion, and ham was served. I hate pork products as my old man always bought pork picnics, that means front shoulders and the pigs came from the herd that Jesus threw the demons out, in they were that old and tough. I have a most sexy overbite, but eating tough ham leaves me with the meat pulled out of the sandwich.
So I'm pig prejudiced even if I write to Richard and Stephanie that I hate PIT meat, which is something I would walk quite a ways to enjoy.

So the pig was pretty good, and uncle not wanting all that goddamn food around dumped a bunch on us. Cleverly I repackaged and took most of it back, to which slyly he gave it away to Aunt Betty who took it. So much for making sure he had food.

So TL and I discussed about getting a ham like this, as I have to be careful in things make me sick with preservatives. We figured that we would get one for Easter, and of course that damn bio weapon was in full force and I was worried about Mexican coof, so we got it early, way too early, and sat it in the back of the fridge as there was not any room in the freezer.

There it sat until Easter and me worried it was going to did not spoil, put it 2 hours in the mega pressure cooker and we had a delightful hog Easter.

From this we got one package of trimmings, 4 big ass packages of ham steaks and the soup bone.

As the coof hit, I asked TL if TL thought that we should invest in another ham as we were eating pig steak right along and we got the green light. What amazed me was the dumb asses would not touch these big pig hams. 37 bucks, and beef steak would cost over 200 dollars for the same tonnage of meat.

So we ate ham. We ate ham on subways, we ate ham in omelettes, we ate ham with hash browns and tater tots, we ate ham that I had enough ham to know I was eating ham.

Two packages to go in gallon bags, and we ate some more ham.

Then on the trailings we made scalloped potatoes, a big ass batch of that, that we ate that fodder until I was not wanting any more scalloped potatoes for a year or longer.

In trying to keep things stocked up for the coof, our freezer is full, so the ham we got for the 4th is still sitting in the chill section, and in the meantime I had to hall out the ham bone. No, that is a femur, big ass femur and covered with pork fat and meat I left on. Sat there 2 weeks stuffed in the fridge part, as who wants to eat soup in 95 degree weather and heat the house to 500 degrees.

So we went to stock up this week as chips were on sale, they were all off the shelves and I had to get our gal to rouste the stock boy to get us bags of chips....that accomplished and it still hotter than Hades, we finally got some rain, and it was 70 degrees so what we picked up were split peas, which looked like they had been glued together like a Chinese bird soup nest thing.

TL picked them out, checked for rocks, and washed them and I put the recipe together.

1 onion
2 tablespoons chicken boullion
1 bay leaf
Half teaspoon black pepper
8 cups water
1 ham femur jammed in my 6 quart big ass Presto cooker
About a quarter cup of dried celery

And that is it, as there are recipes with beer, thyme, rosemary and carrots. I told TL if I wanted it to taste like carrots I would throw in a hand full of dirt.

So we fired her up to 15 pounds pressure and went for a walk. Figured 1.5 hours, and of course there were things that came up like kitties, sorting mail in big ass rubber gloves, and it was closer to 2 hours and that is  too long as it started to scorch, but that only added to the flavor.

What we ended up with is  concentrate pea soup. When I warmed it up, it took two shots of water to get it beyond pea paste, so we have a big ass supply of pea soup.

This one hog ham, has fed us for multiple dozens of meals and it is still going. We still have that gallon package, have all this soup to expire and I am guessing other things will pop up.

I take great pride in stretching food with GOOD MEALS. Had enough of the hack job the mother always threw at us. You can eat very well with using the meat base, starting with a pressure cooker which turns bones into rendered protein. It is like ethanol in you get the alcohol and the corn remains. We have the bones, the meat and what remains. I will admit I put oatmeal in the juices as I did not trust them for my body to not get sick.......the cats got that for a few days and loved it.

I am thinking maybe we could try the ham juices as flavoring for bean things, but will see, but if I had saved those juices I would have added two dozen more meals to this pig ass steak concentrate.

It does disappoint me when I see people waste chicken, in they fry up one chicken and that is it for a meal or two. In my world the neck and ribs go into soup, and in most cases I will steam the chicken and get usually over 2 gallons of protein gel that goes into soups and pilafs. I can make a chicken last longer than the plague.

So that is the story of Eljah's Ham. I know we turned 37 bucks worth of pork into a thousand dollars worth of meat.

This of course is my diversion from work, even though it is work, in making people's lives better, as this kind of typing I can relax and not think as much about the narrative flow.....and yes the way I type looks like I take dictation, and never edit which I do not do, and what is typed is there forever.

Stick that up an editor's ass.

Nuff Said
