Friday, July 17, 2020

A Chocolate Warning

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am betting that none of you have figured out something which TL and happened upon all due to a few hot days in the brier patch.

We have been purchasing big chocolate bars for a dollar which are made in Poland. Yes European Poland where everything is pure as the driven snow in honesty. Yeah horse shit to that.

We also for hiddeous uncle purchased some chocolate covered peanuts in clusters and they certainly tasted like chocolate, but 95 degree days, a pick up without air conditioning and you will be surprised what gets unmasked.

So the chocolate bars melted, not like American bars do, and when I opened them, the chocolate was this off color of sort of wanting to be milk chocolate color. The thing is the taste was gone in it was just sort of there.

Same thing happened with the peanuts, same odd color, and as I nibbled on things, trying to figure out what in hell they were, and what I got is this:

The  "chocolate" is not chocolate anymore. What you get is some kind of almost has a flavor stuff which I figure is something like the ice cream which is not ice cream, in some bean. Over this, is glazed the chocolate in a thin layer. They figured out that the tasteless stuff amplifies the thin layer of chocolate which provides the flavor. It fools you into thinking it is all chocolate. It is quite brilliant really in these bars out of Poland must cost less than a quarter to make, and with shipping, so this fakeo chocolate must be some worthless product that has no food value an no industrial value. It must cost more to try and get rid of it, than to actually use this stuff.

So it's all fake, 99% fake with 1% chocolate, and that is how they are dealing with the dwindling chocolate supplies in the world.

Who knew that red heads had a purpose though, in they look good with chocolate. Tina Louis should have posed with Hershey bars on Gilligan's Island and no one would have looked at Dawn Wells........well maybe it would have taken two chocolate bars to not notice Dawn.


Maybe just try a Fun Size to help men notice you Ginger.


Nuff Said
