Friday, July 31, 2020

God Bless Texas

The woman looks like she needs rescuing 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

LC, Thanks to you and TL and Captain Kirk for the Quercetin tip. I just ordered some.

It's so good to know there are great Christians like yall out there. Guess you can tell by my accent I'm from TX lol.

Old Debbie

I came across a Texican this past week and for a bearded male, he sure seemed to be girly in needing attention, like a cheerleader in high school. It was a rough and tumble site where cowards lurk in being afraid to post until this brushpopper appears, then they fill up the pages with his jibberish, as I swear he reminds me a a baboon with marbles in his mouth.

The thing is, the site owner keeps him as a pet critter, so he carries on more abnormal than normal. There are quite a few people that hate him, but he posts pictures of himself, and he reminds me of that 1970's Burt Reynolds guy, who was in that movie that got tied to the tree and was sodomized much to the delight of the sodomites.
He also posts pictures of his wife and kids, but he more I think about that pretty gal he says married him, I think she must be touched in the head, or more probably, those are the photos you get when you buy a picture frame and he has them hanging up as the wife he does not have.
Either way, having a wallet picture family or a woman touched in the head is what I expect for a tree hugger with splinters up the sphincter.

We are on our way to town in acquiring our future place investment work.  I wanted to pass along to the Captain that Debbie said Thank you, and to Debbie that the Captain is a Texan too, as are Richard and Stephanie. For some reason you put up with a weed like me from the brier patch, and thankfully none of ya'll have billfold families or have spouses touched in the head, like Burt Reynolds being delivered.

I really want to watch that movie, but TL said it was awful and does not want to watch it again. Worst things are than watching Burt taking one for the team.

We love you Debbie, and who else would put up with the profound punditry of the Lame Cherry, but you, as you would be shooing me off the porch with a broom, like Forest Gump said Mama did with those raccoons.

Nuff Said
