Friday, July 31, 2020

the alt black

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

2016 witnessed Jared Kushner's Shin Bet manufacturing the fine cast of the AltRight and enlisting the notable Alex Jones, and Gayway pundits, a proper platform was established, and disappeared, as Kushner media graduated from Cuckservative Treehose to QAnon.

Now though in the lackluster reality show support of Team Trump, has a Don jr. star appearing like the risen sun, in Stella Immanuel.

Trump’s New Favorite COVID Doctor Believes in Alien DNA, Demon Sperm, and Hydroxychloroquine

Colorful woman.

I'm surprised that the fraud George Noory has not had this woman on Coast to Coast as she is Art Bell quality, but then Noory does not believe any of the guests and the guests are rather sedate and mundane in their experiences, unlike the old days when the fringe was fun.

So Team Trump now has the AltBlack in all moral lives matter and that morality is Christian.

Stella Immanuel is the perfect tempest. The woman whose thoughts are at liberty.  Liberty of thought is such a precious and enticing process. It is not dull. It is bright. It is not flat world. It is a universal sphere. Whether true or not, one does not know until one falls off the edge, that those in the flat world never touch, for their boundaries are their grave.

Almost 70% of Americans are afraid to express what they think. This Negro expresses no fear in her understanding.

The place were Stella does not fear to tread, the AltBlack

Nuff Said
