Friday, July 24, 2020

Here Come The Feds

“I’m going to do something that I can tell you, because we’re not going to leave New York and Chicago and Philadelphia, Detroit and Baltimore, and all of these — Oakland is a mess. We’re not going to let this happen in our country, all run by liberal Democrats,” Trump said, talking about violence in those places, and then mentioning Portland.
“We’re going to have more federal law enforcement, that I can tell you,” he said. “In Portland, they’ve done a fantastic job. They’ve been there three days and they really have done a fantastic job in a very short period of time, no problem.”

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Every person reading this knows that liberalism does not work in the epic failures of the Obama Intifada centered in thee American Golden Ghettos of New York, Seattle, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Baltimore etc..., as these are the epicenters of imported slave labor, drug and foreign money laundering, foreign students for profit and a police state which is fed off of bribes from Marxist politicians. It is the worst graft in history.

This blog called on candidate Donald Trump to send in the federals in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord to save lives and end this Obama drug wars in which Obama turned over United States narcotics operations to MS 13, away from Blacks and Mexicans, as it decentralized power, and made more profits for Wall Street where the money was all laundered into.

That has been 4 years, and too many people have died, and the situation has degraded to Al Capone Chicago, where Al is the local regime, and the gangsters are these Obama imports causing the street wars. Do I applaud the late arrival by the President? Not in the least, as the progression of this is, all of these liberal cities are corrupt. The police are not able to do the job as trained by Jewish Mosaad, so the alternative is going to be some kind of Homeland Security contracted conglomerate security force which will police our major cities.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is planning to deploy about 150 federal agents to Chicago this week, according to the Chicago Tribune.
At least 71 people were shot, 12 of them fatally, from Friday afternoon to Monday morning in Chicago, according to the newspaper. 

The early reports are that Portland, terrorists are just disappearing off the streets. That is Patriot Act, and while it is a good thing for terrorists, it is a bad thing if you happen to be the person in the wrong place at the wrong time, and end up hauled away to the dungeons.

The President is wrong in the police are not afraid of the terrorists. The police have been instead given Obama talking points to get along with the terrorists, and if they do not, they will end up in jail like George Floyd's kneeler. as the local liberal regimes will not back law enforcement or citizens legally armed and protecting themselves.

The president argues the additional law enforcement personnel are necessary because he claims local officials are “physically afraid” of the protesters, whom Trump characterizes as “anarchists.”
“They hate our country and we’re not going to let it go forward,” he said.

I was not in favor of President Washington sending in federal troops in the Whiskey Rebellion nor President Grant in the Chicago riots sending in federal troops. Each was successful, but each highlighted a disconnect of the people with the government, and the corruption of people engaged in measures because they think their government is not assisting them.

All of this leads to in a crackdown, which has proven necessary, is these Soros paid Obama backing ANTIFA and Quadroon Lives Matter, fold easily when laws are enforced. There will be though some Bill Ayers, egging on some Weatherman group to build bombs and murder people, all generated out of the FBI and CIA again, just like Charlie Manson. Cracking down will always produce a refined few who will start using lethal terror measures on the easy targets. That is what the natural progression is in a civil war. John Wilkes Boothe was not acting for the first time when he assassinated Abraham Lincoln. He had been active for years, connected to the European powers of the Rothschild bankers who started the Civil War.

Portland police detail another night of conflict between protesters and federal forces outside US courthouse

It is the literal point that the American metros will if left become the terrorist centers which will obliterate America by mass design. That is why it was engineered this way. The problem is with federal mobilization, is that even under Ronald Reagan, Gordon Kahl, after the DOJ ordered it's offices to shut down, once again moved to assassinate this North Dakotan.
Once Chicago gets thumped, when will the next LaVoy Finniicum apppear dead in the snow, when some Bush or Obama replaces the Donald Trump.

In order for order to return, Donald Trump must be re elected and Ivanka will have to be elected to two terms, and she is going to be have to be a hard ass beyond what Donald Trump has even shown. The United States ethic of Teddy Roosevelt in rugged individualism has been replaced by these soy children who are all Darwin devolutionized mutants.
It took God under Moses, 40 years to kill off his Egyptian taught slave class of Israelite. America has the same reprobates in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord. Tear gassing the soyboys is not going to solve this, as an entire race now about to face genocide by being replaced by foreign tanskins, will have to be promoted and brought to their American purpose again, but that purpose is not simpatico with the National Socialists who are gleaning America at the moment.

This is not my issue nor my fight, nor is it any American's due to the fact that America disappeared long ago. I look to what this is initiated to bring and it will be brought, and as the Lord stated in the Prophets, now is the time for the prudent to remain silent.

Nuff Said
