Friday, July 24, 2020

The PLA coming out to Play

 aboriginal asians have their place

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The poor orphan girl here, is stipulating that this information is not the Lame Cherry, so FBI New York as in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, does not have to deploy Homeland Security to come interview me, as this is just as in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, the remote viewing of Dick Allgire.

I have always enjoyed the work of Dick Allgire. I also liked defusing his time lines when he was on a roll a few years ago, and had to disappear as the things he was predicting, suddenly stopped happening, due to the Lame Cherry Effect.
I though am done with writing time lines at this  time. I wrote the time line by God's Grace which put Donald Trump into the Oval Office and most everyone dumped me in donations and left me for dead by the side of the road. The popular girl was the poor orphan girl, and me with a 7000 dollar mother burial ceremony.

Mr. Allgire though is seeing China coming out of their forbidden city, after losing face to two American carrier battle groups in the Taiwan Sea.

It all seems kind of Chinaman pussy to me, as it looks like a Chinaman warship confronts one of the screening ships of the carrier battle group.

Allgire did wonderful work in exposing the Wuhan discharges of Coronavirus, and the work of Taiwan there collecting samples for future use, and it helped fill in the blanks and prove this blog right again.

I appreciate his efforts of remote viewing, and I appreciated my efforts in keeping the world safe from the things that go bump in the night, but as the New York FBI did not appreciate the efforts, now all of you can go bump in the night with Allgire's revelations. Is a pity, as I would have liked to have had the President sleeping undisturbed with the lovely First Lady, as she looks like the vision of Sleeping Beauty with moonlight cast upon her slumbering persona and the President of course looks all manly in his respite.

As it is not my dime, the PLA is supposed to come out and play with the US Navy. We will see if Mr. Allgire performs the vision or if someone interupted the time line again.

Nuff Said
