Saturday, July 25, 2020

It's all Bullshit!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Today TL and I went to town as for some reason the door broke on evil incarnates house which we just fixed last year. So I make a point of giving shit to the checkers as the kids never want to be working and are ordered to be nice, so I tell them not to lie to me, or that they should be out having fun, to which they smile in coming out of there drone robotic "I hate this job".

So we get to the grocery and a middle aged gal was there as her Santa Claus husband sat in the pickup. I swear how in the hell men can sit in 90% humidity and 90 degree heat, rather than go get groceries is one of the mysteries of life.

So the lady picks up the spray bottle, and I picked up the second one and she didn't realize there was two so she was going to give me the bottle, and I mentioned, "I hope this is over pretty soon".

She looks at me and says, "THIS IS ALL BULLSHIT!"

To make the point when I agreed with her, she repeated it, "THIS IS ALL BULLSHIT!"

I just about burst out laughing and told TL that maybe she shouldn't hold back in how she feels about this plague.

We ran into Sheila as we were checking out. It seems we spend more time bullshitting people than shopping, but it is part of the process here. I really hate it when people just stand like zombies and never interact. Our clown act is loud and most people will join in and all listen to what is going on, as you might as well pretend you like spending volumes of money and doing the drudgery of errands.

So Sheila tells us she thought she had the coof. Mentioned the nose swab and I said I heard that was unpleasant. She said, "They get it up there, and you think it is done and then she pull it out and jam it really up there."
Said it is worse for adults, that she cried, and she had it done twice. Two tests and no Coronvirus, so I figure she had it and never tested. She was smiling though even though she had a few rough weeks. Her mom got her leg chopped off last year, and she has been dealing with that, and just got her prosthetic limb and Sheila said it was so different to see her walking again, as it had been years.

I think of the lady who started this in this being all bullshit. Idiots in masks and rolling around on the floor as they pick boogers with their ungloved hands are bullshit. The virus is real. These mask mandates are all bullshit. Bill Gates and his coofer DNA changing mRNA zombie serum is bullshit.Scaring the hell out of people and then telling them there is nothing to worry about and then forcing everyone to get the coof is bullshit. Andrew Cuomo is bullshit for hauling plague spreaders into geezer homes. Kristi Noem is bullshit for not protecting her people from those goddamn plague carrying foreigners. Ass wipe skyrocketing is bullshit. Joe Biden is bullshit hiding in his basement. Those who lied about the cure of Chloroquine is bullshit. It's bullshit that the government doesn't have a line of traitors over this Coronavirus down Pennsylvania Avenue lined up to be shot. It's bullshit in all the exclusives this blog has accomplished by God's Grace and I get no million dollar prize nor million dollar donation.

The virus is real, but what is being done to people over this virus is all bullshit.

Nuff Said
