Sunday, July 26, 2020

When Hell Joins The Night Sky

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Everyone of us has been warned endlessly of planet's aligning and other signs in the sky that doom was coming, and yet we are still here, even if the End Times are predicted to have signs in the skies.

For me, something of the night sky seems different now in the events portrayed above. The fork tailed comet of Neowise, the New Wisdom appearing in brilliance, is but a foreshadowing of other lights in the sky which indicate a change is coming.
Neowise is in the northern sky, and showers below the Big Dipper. The southern sky though is one which captured my attention first.

Nightly, I do my rounds to check our animals and feed the kitties some milk. The exact opposite in the southeast sky of Newise sits Jupiter. I was talking with TL about this, in how bright this planet is. Tonight the sky was still bright at sunset, and that planet was visible. The only other object in the sky which was visible was the crescent of the moon.
Do you realize how bright that planet is, to be almost able to be viewed during daylight? That is rare, and it adds up to the signs of the sky, for comet's portend of events which are coming.  A comet appears, because someone is coming into power in this world. All of this has taken place with eclipsing were ruling the sky.

Long ago, the ancients told of a story, like the Bible of war in heaven. In their skies, Saturn was the king of heaven, but another star appeared in Jupiter and displaced the planet. Great upheaval took place on earth in this period of time.
Saturn and Jupiter have warred. They have tried to displace the sun, and now in this 2020 summer, Jupiter and Saturn are about to converge as one likeness in the southern sky. The signs are pointing to the evolution of the body politic.Someone is out there and coming on the world stage, and the joining of Saturn and Jupiter is in the house of the eagle. 3 dominant powers have aligned under this star, in Rome, Rome's reincarnation of the German Reich and the United States of America.

The Bible prophesies of a return of the Roman Empire, as the Beast of Revelation, a global power, whose mark of security allows no one to buy or sell without that mark. The stars are telling of a Neowise, a new wisdom, a new illuminated thought, while the planets are joining house of the eagle.

The stars are speaking of Prophesied events, all the while Germany is leading the European Union and establishing a new order by her power.

I think of the exiled 10 tribes, upon seeing a star in the sky. They knew this star was in the House of Israel and predicted a great king would be born. The king was Christ. Now we are witnessing a pageant in the skies of a union in the southern house of the eagle, as the northern house is showing a new thinking is about to appear.

I rarely pay attention to the stars as the warning from false prophets have created a reality of doom did not appear, and nothing happened in the world. This time though something feels different

In this 2020 movement, Jupiter is joined by Pluto, and in this menge et trois, Saturn becomes the consort of Pluto. Jupiter is the god of heaven who displaced the original god in Saturn, with Pluto being hell of the underworld. In this case, both rulers of heaven have joined to hell in the night sky.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

agtG 310YY full house repeating, without large sequence.