Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Mary Trump for Vice President

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When I look into Mary Trump's eyes, all I see is a psychic scream in those eyes of a soul in shreds. The more I learn of her, the more I listen to the abuse she is accepting in sado masochism in the press, in her vendetta to get the Trump Family, the more she reveals herself as unbalanced.

That is not an attack, but a forensic psychological assessment, of a woman who has now revealed that she is a homosexual, who was coming out of the closet, until her Grandmother or something called Elton John a faggot and a disgrace for being at Prince Diana's funeral.

Why that would have anything to do with Donald Trump is a mystery as Ivanka and the President bucked Republican Christians in embracing faggots., and I would have thought that being queer was the greatest gift of Obama to the world with John Roberts, so what difference would it make if Granny is mouthing off when you are shoving strap ons up your twat to get off. It was not like the Trumps were preaching Christianity at this woman.

Mary Trump is the worst thing that could happen to democrats. Sure the tards who are deranged about Trump are going to glom onto her as they did Adam Schiff, but selling books to deranged people does not bring down Donald Trump. From what I have read of the sins of Donald Trump, he actually is a boring sinner, but his sins are more like boring little sins, which are more like farting which in Church which is not a sin at all.

Mary Trump is fixated on Donald Trump, because Donald Trump was not her father. Fred Trump jr, was a weak man who drank too much. There are numbers of weak men who drink too much, like Teddy Kennedy, but the Kennedy's did not hate Teddy for being successful when Jack the pervert got his head blowed off.

Mary Trump hates Donald Trump for that reason, she is envious that she never had a father like Ivanka. I'm quite sure Fred jr. was a man with fine qualities as almost everyone has some good qualities that people can look back on, and reason that their lives were not completely a waste. Mary Trump though is suffering from fixating on the father's weaknesses, and then when she tried to become Trump Successful in suing the family, the family won and she lost.

What was left was pulp hatred for her 30 pieces of silver, but her silver is hurting Joe Biden, the same way Adam Schiff destroyed the democratic 2020 primary in grabbing all the attention and not producing anything. Schiff was the spotlight, and no one paid attention to the brain senile Joe Biden. Democrats after being lied to, want someone to tell them Donald Trump is everything they hate. The problem is, Donald Trump is not the story with any substance. These democrats are delusional in hearing things which Mary Trump is not saying. They are making mountains out of mole hills, and are going to be shattered again in the election.
Realize what Mary Trump is not realizing. Mary Trump is the democrat that democrats are seeing and hearing, not Joe Biden. This sorry woman is Trump enough to blow Joe Biden off the center stage. Frankly Joe Biden should pick Mary Trump for his Veep. She has psycho PMS, but at least she is the Trump that liberals will love to listen to, so they do not have to listen to Joe Biden.

The problem is her body language is stating that she is lying. Yes what democrats do, but this woman is lying about shit no one cares about. I mean if you are going to tell lies about Donald Trump, why in hell didn't she make up some whoppers, like Trump flashed her when she was 14 like the pee prostitutes in Moscow. How about Trump brushed on her. That is the problem with this dyke in she is so alienated to sex in being a lezbo that she can not even bring out lies about Trump as she thinks no man would want her as even her own dad killed himself to get away from her.

I will repeat that Mary Trump needs Jesus. This swill she is sewaging herself in is harming her. When this is done in November, democrats will have sucked her dry and she will probably kill herself. I don't want to see that, but she is a big girl and made her own choices. Some take to being  media whores and some do not .She doesn't like sex with men, but gets the dew in camera foreplay, talking about hating Donald Trump.

It is all sad, but we have all had shitty lives. I have had shitty relatives, and I write about them for free in waiting for big donations.  Donald Trump is a piker compared to the bastards I'm related to.

I hope that Mary Trump has a future plan for when hating Donald Trump has no value, when liberals blame her for not being whore enough to bring down Donald Trump and everyone hates her, as Mary Trump wants to be hated, because she has to have meaning for why she is so sad inside.

I would the media had some restraint and would not exploit unbalanced women like Mary Trump, but they keep on abusing women who crave to be abused for the skeletons in their souls.
I just do not believe that Mary Trump in this short life we all have, will have enough time to do enough good things for people, to be remembered for that, instead of just being the lesbian harpy who prostituted herself to hate Donald Trump.

Nuff Said
