Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Seaboard Pig Meats

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I hate pig meat as I am not BBQ Richard nor Marinade Stephanie, so what I get is pig meat which is exposed to coof.

This is just for people like me who are poor as shit, and don't know what to do for food.

We got in a shipment to the brier patch as rural people need more meat exposed to Coronavirus biological weapons from Seaboard Pork, which is a pig factory that feeds hogs and kills them at Sioux City  Iowa at 20,000 a day alone. They got the coof at Seaboard from Iowa to Oklahoma.

Pork was cheap coming out of China, but it spiked in the lions wer like 14 bucks and spiked to 31. When I saw the Seaboard ad, I thought,' Ok where does this shit come from, so I found out, coof hotspots".

Looking at the meat and the prices, I discerned by the Holy Ghost two things. First, the loins were BIG, meaning no one could slaughter this pork so it had to be fed 2 months longer so you got big pigs being butchered.
So I bought one, after feeling around on the package with my latex gloves which did not have the huge hog rind in it, and the price was like 16 bucks so home it came.

Now this is from Richard and Stephanie suggestions as I am not eating coof pork.

I first dunked the plastic package in a bleach water solution.

I then with my rubber gloves on, opened the package with scissors.

This got dumped then into a second bleach water solution tub, where I put on latex gloves and gave it a good sloshing.
Sloshing was good, as the water discolored in pig blood, chems and whatever.

These were big loins to I cut them in 3 pieces, and started making pig steaks out of them. TL packaged and I sawed away.

It was hot and sweating work which I just enjoy with pig meat, but it was done in a short time as my Grampa could skin a dead horse in 5 minutes with is hunting and trapping buddy Fred.

As TL said,'The bleach had to have gotten the coof off the outside. We sliced it up, so the bleach exposure was minimum and no worse than the chems and shit they dunk other meat in.
I filleted off the fat and rind, cut into pieces and the kitties outside will feast on that fired meat as they hate raw meat.

So being poor, there is a way to deal with coof meat. It is an extra process, but that meat is half the price of other meat, but then we don't get that here, as the rich people get all the good meat in their stores, and one has to deal with what one has.
I figure this will last us in rationing to the end of summer, as it is not like I yearn for pork steaks, and it is hot to be frying inside, and this will supplement what we have.

OK the Lame Cherry just saved you again in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
