As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I want to first start off with, I HATE SMALL ENGINES, as they have a penchant for never working no matter how nice I am in changing plugs, new fuel and things. When they do not work they never work and just leave me frustrated.
In knowing all of that, we found a rototiller, a Coast to Coast with a Briggs and Stratton 5 HP in the junk yard, so what could go wrong with a deal like that eh?
I still do not know, as the reason I got this old tiller is I meant to convert it to electric, after finding a farmer who did this online.
The manual is not what I have. All I do know is a promise of Senator made these for C 2 C, then Gil something made them, and Toro bought them out.

I do know that when I pulled the rope, black smoke came out of the exhaust. Probably had something to do with it being upside down. It also has a coat of grease or oil the beater guard, so I have to have God figure out what the hell is going on with this thing, as I do not want to bust it up, as other people stripped gears and had bearings out.
I told TL we would not be busting sod up or working on hard pan, but maybe this thing would be just mixing compost and cow shit into the garden to make it believe it is not a hog sty.
I always wanted a rear wheel drive Troy bilt, but 800 bucks is not what poor people shell out for a damned 2 stroke engine, and I ain't about to shell out 5000 for an Italian thing I see advertised. Buy a tractor for that and it sort of makes the price of potatoes a bit steep.
That is my new project, when I get to getting it going I will post on it, but as of this moment, I am just wondering what mountain of problems I just got, as I swear I was going to just pull the 2 stroke and put on an electric that the neighbor gave me, which just needs wiring connections as it was a new motor.
I would though rather have these problems than the one that I told TL in a new 800 dollar one, which I would have been upset in getting dirt on it, and wondering when that 2 stroke was going to not start and have me cussing it.
Nuff Said