As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In this progressive era of toppling racism after 8 years of Barack Hussein Obama, in ridding the world of Uncle Ben and Aunt Jemima, in true Black Lives Matter support, the examination must begin with Barack Hussein Obama, the quadroon, if Barack Hussein Obama was really black enough or was Barack Hussein Obama really just Obama White all along.
The reality is in America, that the standard for being Black enough on the outside was if you were darker than a brown paper bag. As you can judge, Barack Hussein Obama fails the basic test of American Blackness.
But then why should Obama not fail, as his fraudulent foreign past has always been before thee American Black community and the rest of America, in one can see in an instant that he is just the adopted son of Stanley Ann Dunham, as Barack Hussein Sr. and Stanley Ann posing together prove there never was any intimate sexual contact between the two.

The fact is Barack Hussein Obama Sr. was provided a comfort woman, a Filipino Chinese who Sr. stated in government records was his wife, never Stanley Ann Dunham. This Filipino was stated to be in the Philippines by Sr. while Stanley Ann was in Hawaii.
Dunham adopted the little bastard and attempted to cement a relationship with Sr. which never prevailed. The fact is the reason Barack Hussein Jr. looks Asian, is because he is an Asian. The real genetics of Barack Hussein Obama are if Sr. was his father or some other African, which is probably the case, that Obama is:
Luo African, a Mulatto mix of Luo African with half Arab slave trader on his father's side.
Chinese Filipino, from Chinese merchants mating with Philippine women on his mother's side.
Barack Hussein Obama, is a quadroon, with 75% of his bloodline being Chinese, Arabic and Filipino.
For those who doubt, this blog posted a photo and story on Obama in May of 2013, one month before Obama left the building forever, which began the upheaval America has endured with Donald Trump.
In this photo, standing, you can see Barack Obama's real mum, the infamous Mary Chin, standing next to a grinning Obama Sr., with Stanley Dunham standing next to Obama.
Kneeling in front with the Asian turned and facing the man in the middle, is Barack Hussein Obama's real father, an African from the horn, a dock worker who impregnated the comfort woman who was provided to Obama Sr.
Barack Hussein Obama jr has always been illegitimate. He was a means to an end, and when Stanley Ann's deal to make Obama president for life of Kenya, she shopped him to Indonesia to be a president for life there, before this foreign birthed child was smuggled back into the United States, and schooled under foreign student loans and transformed to be the anti American messiah.
Barack Obama fails the brown bag test, and Barack Hussein Obama fails the Cornell West test.
No finer example of thee American Black Man is than Professor Cornell West. PHD, philosopher, professor, lecturer and author. Obama singled West out in trying to humiliate this voice of the American Black community and that is a pattern with Barack Obama, as Obama Jr. only had time for the minstrel black like Stevie Wonder of Beyonce. The intellectual Black, Obama had no time for. Obama surrounded himself with three quadroon females who nurtured his thin skin in Val-erie Jarrett, Susan Rice and Michelle Robinson Obama, otherwise Obama's cabinet was White, and every person he glommed onto was White.

John McCain, George Bush Sr., George Bush Jr. Mitt Romney are all Obama choices, and they readily kept their pet Designer Negro around, because none of them would associate with true American Blacks such as the remarkable Tavis Smiley.
Think of Obama in 2009, in the Martin Luther King jr. holiday, where Caribbean Queen, another foreign born Negro chosen by the Bush family, in Colin Powell, could not trample upon Brother Martin fast enough to get to Obama. Not one mention that Martin King's dream had been realized, as these foreign quadroons had not any awareness of the Black Experience.
There is one resounding Truth in this, and that is Barack Hussein Obama jr. is no Cornell West. Barack Hussein Obama jr. is no Martin Luther King jr., and Barack Hussein Obama fails in the brown paper bag test, to the American Black Experience Test to the test of what being a Black man is, in Barack Hussein Obama jr is not even Black.
In this era of toppling white racism, the standard bearer of Black Lives Matter can not be Barack Hussein Obama in his billion dollar monument to himself in Chicago and the buildings and children named for him. Barack Obama can not speak for Black Lives Matter because he does not even speak the same language of American Blacks.
It is time that Barack Hussein Obama's name be stricken like Uncle Tom, Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben as racist symbols of repression. The history of America should read George W. Bush 43 and move on to Donald Trump 44, until a real Black American is elected President and not installed by the Bush family.
Every building, street and child should be renamed for real Black Americans, the name West is most fitting as Cornell and Kayne West have done more for Black Americans than Obama ever did or ever will. Let the Obama Library be the Western Center of Black advancement and appoint Cornell West as commandant of the facility, to make it a tuition free training center for Black children across America.
Let Blacks make their own legacy in Chicago as the Obama legacy is one of the mass murder of Black men daily running the Obama CIA Wall Street dope trade.
Barack Hussein Obama was never Black enough, because he never could be. Barack Obama could never understand the world of American Blacks, because his parents never worked the fields or were emancipated by Lincoln. Michelle Robinson was so far removed from the Black experience in her family's paid White position of privilege that she abandoned marrying a real Black man for this foreign birthed Barack Hussein Obama as Black was not good enough for her.
It is time for Black Lives Matter to purge the Obama's from their history and from the combined history of America. Barack Hussein Obama can be banned as easily as Mark Twain's writings and removed as easily as a Teddy Roosevelt statue.
Let the resounding words of Martin Luther King jr. echo across Black Lives Matter in Barack Hussein Obama was never Black enough, and it is time for Blacks to be emancipated from him and become free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, free at last from the 75% not Black, Barack Hussein Obama.
Nuff Said