Monday, July 13, 2020

Robert DeNiro: The Liberal Putz

I just threw her out like any massa would on the plantation.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

You just got to appreciate liberals like big mouth Robert DeNiro, going to punch Donald Trump in the mouth..............

You got to love DeNiro worth 500 million dollars, and he cuts his Negro wife's credit card from 100,000 dollars a month to 50, he is divorcing her.

It gets better as he threw the Negress out into the street, with their Quadroon children, as DeNiro lives in the house, isolated in fear of the Coronavirus.

It gets better as DeNiro took Trump's bailout money......yes DeNiro worth 500 million dollars, took government money, because his attorney says he will be lucky to earn over 7 million dollars this year due to Coronavirus.

It gets better that a liberal judge in Black Lives Matter ruled against the Negro wife and Quadroon children in not restoring the money they need to live on, as DeNiro threw them out into the street.

What an absolute hypocrite Robert DeNiro is.

CNBC previously reported that De Niro's Nobu chain took at least 14 loans from the Trump administration's Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) for small businesses affected by the coronavirus pandemic. De Niro's asset in it is estimated at $500 million.

DeNiro usually makes 30 million dollars a year!!!

What an absolute POS Robert DeNiro is.

Nuff Said
