As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Obama Intifada by ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter, was all based upon fraud, as released body cam recordings of George Floyd the porn star records Floyd as telling the Police, that he can not breathe, BECAUSE HE HAD CORONAVIRUS.
What is damning about this, is Floyd knew he had the virus, and was not wearing any protection, placing everyone in danger. The entire scenario was quite lengthy as Floyd was acting strange thee entire time. He refused to follow orders from the police and it was Floyd who asked to be put on the ground. He also admitted to drug use, as the police inquired what he was on, by his odd behavior. The odd behavior was simple, in George Floyd was STONED!!!
Here is the live recording of Floyd stating he had Coronavirus.
There are certainties in this, in the Coroners in Minnesota all have shit for brains, as the police officers did not murder this doper. His system was filled with narcotics and he had Coronavirus, and that is what literally killed this walking dead man. As this blog has noted, George Floyd would have died in 5 minutes standing on the street or within 5 days in his home. He was dead and it was only a matter of time. The only tragedy in this is, is the thug cops in Minneapolis just happened to have Floyd in restraints when he died. Otherwise he would just be another monument to Obama in another dead Quadroon laundering counterfeit money out of China.
........and that point is recorded too, in Floyd KNEW the bill he passed was bogus. He had access to funny money and he got caught passing it in a money laundering store front and the store knew it was bogus and that is why they called the cops.
So it is time that the civil rights of these four cops be upheld, as they are innocent, as no one is to blame for a guy with a bad heart, enough dope to kill a horse and having Coronavirus. You might as well arrest his parents for the bad heart, Obama for the dope and the Chicoms for the Coronavirus as they were more complicit.
This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It is time to free Derek Chauvin or whatever his name is.