Thursday, July 23, 2020

Stoking for Boogaloo

A White man with my woman is my status symbol Bro!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Mockingbird song is in the air, and this post is a warning of what to expect in outlaw USA from this point on, and after the election.

The Obama liberals have been engaged in election fraud using mail in ballots, which would allow them to steal elections.
The President has stated he is not going to go on record before the election, that he will accept it's outcome, knowing what is being engaged in already.

Democrats are again engaged in setting the narrative that "foreign intrique" is working in the American elections.

JUST IN: Top Democrats Are ‘Gravely Concerned’ Congress is Being Targeted in Foreign Campaign to Interfere in the 2020 Election, Request FBI Briefing

All of this psychological operation, is sowing distrust into the American elections, meaning no one will honor the results.
Some of the worst is screed from NBC, which has survived by using the Coronavirus as a marketing gimmick in terrorizing people, in warning that Donald Trump is sending in paramilitary enforcement units into these insurrection metro areas, and will do the same after the election, to steal the election.

All of these intelligence shills, know that these metro areas are meant to intimidate and fire up a voting base for the Marxists, which Joe Biden is incapable of doing. Daily the handwriting it on the wall for pervy old senile Biden, he does not have any appeal to Black voters and the soy children voters are not going to go out and vote for him.
In the rigged electronic voting in America, there is a 15% casino Andrieu Rierra programming. In order to steal an election, a convict like Obama had to be within 15%, in order to make 10 million GOP votes disappear. Joe Biden is incapable with vote fraud to close that 15% gap, as Donald Trump has cracked the Black voting ranks and this coof flu has the soy babies hiding under daddy and mummy's bed.

MSNBC contributor John Heilemann believes that recent criticism of unmarried federal agents sent to Portland ostensibly to quell civil unrest there falls far short of what is truly at play.
President Donald Trump has reportedly directed unmarked agents from the Department of Homeland Security who have allegedly flouted constitutional rights of legal protestors and only stirred up more unrest.
Heilemann believes that current criticism of the “performative authoritarianism” has “not gone far enough,” before launching a remarkable tirade on what is currently unfolding in the Pacific Northwest. “These are paramilitary units, these are the things we have seen in authoritarian regimes in third world countries throughout the second half of the 20th century.”
“I don’t want to be overly alarmist about this, but this is the time to be alarmist knowing where Donald Trump stands politically, understanding where we are headed in this election,” he continued, adding, “I think we are looking at potentially a trial run for a kind of — a genuine attempt to, through intimidation, and potentially through force, to try to — to try to steal this election.”

The projection in this then is elementary, Donald Trump and the GOP will win the election by design. Obama ANTIFA will move from burning things down to blowing things up. Cops will retreat and a conglomerate security force which contracts with cities will be deployed for huge profits. It is logical that the FBI and CIA will foment enough Bill Ayers operations to give this thunder appeal to get the public attention, to sell the new agenda.
National Socialism will be the order of America, as the mob is being fractured. America will cease to be a nation of trusted elections, as that was obliterated under George W. Bush by design and enforced by Obama election theft in his 8 years of occupation.

America is going to be a more violent place. Each of you is going to have to be more aware of what is around you. You are going to have to decide if defending yourself is what you choose to do or be beaten or die.
The narrative being pushed by the left, is in this environment, going to produce a lethal America, with an authoritarian response. It can not be any other way, as too much effort has been undertaken to accomplish this next phase, and the reality is, indictments have not come with convictions, proving this is a police state operation.

What you personally engaged in for Coronavirus preparation, is projected to be a necessary repeat leading up to the election and the weeks after the election, as protests should rage or more to the point, the rent a mob will be paid to intimidate people and enough violence will result to curb the public's enthusiasm to be exposed to this.
It is doubtful that enough attacks will be made on the Confederate flag bearers, as that would get the rent a mob shot, and end this. This will have to reach areas of the white picket where like St. Louis, the regime protects the terrorists.

So the alert is to be prepared, and to begin stocking up again now. Begin the resupply for November now.


Nuff Said
