Thursday, July 23, 2020

The Coronavirus Six

"If you can predict who these people are at Day Five, you have time to give them support and early interventions such as monitoring blood oxygen and sugar levels, and ensuring they are properly hydrated," said Claire Steves, a doctor who co-led the study.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is an interesting study on Coronavirus, in the British in their spy application and tracking the forensic psychology of those who will be addicted to cell phones and take the time to fill out an ap, have discovered a pattern of six types of manifestations of Coronavirus, or how Coronavirus Wuhan triggers responses in people, in the different strains of Italian, Chinese, Persian, Latin in the L and S strain main groupings.

The keys in this are like cancer in what is monitored are the oxygen levels, which are depleted by iron poisoning, sugar levels as this entity loves to eat sugar, and due to fever or diarrhea people become dehydrated.

I am going to do this according to my multiple exposures to track which types I had.

The study, released online on June 16 but not peer-reviewed by independent scientists, described the six COVID-19 types as:
1 'Flu-like' with no fever: Headache, loss of smell, muscle pains, cough, sore throat, chest pain, no fever.
2 'Flu-like' with fever: Headache, loss of smell, cough, sore throat, hoarseness, fever, loss of appetite.
3 Gastrointestinal: Headache, loss of smell, loss of appetite, diarrhea, sore throat, chest pain, no cough.
4 Severe level one, fatigue: Headache, loss of smell, cough, fever, hoarseness, chest pain, fatigue.
5 Severe level two, confusion: Headache, loss of smell, loss of appetite, cough, fever, hoarseness, sore throat, chest pain, fatigue, confusion, muscle pain.
6 Severe level three, abdominal and respiratory: Headache, loss of smell, loss of appetite, cough, fever, hoarseness, sore throat, chest pain, fatigue, confusion, muscle pain, shortness of breath, diarrhea, abdominal pain.
Patients with level 4, 5 and 6 types were more likely to be admitted to hospital and more likely to need respiratory support, the researchers said.

December Exposure

The December exposure which numbers of people were complaining about, was the most troublesome as it reminded me of the Spanish Flu. What is worrisome for me is I have lung damage from pleurisy, and those scars inflame and hurt like pneumonia.
This exposure had me quite ill for 14 days as it evolved. It seemed like I would get over one thing, and the virus would move into new areas. I remember the severe head pains and lung pain with the other annoying things which people experience as the flu.

1 'Flu-like' with no fever: Headache, loss of smell, muscle pains, cough, sore throat, chest pain, no fever.
2 'Flu-like' with fever: Headache, loss of smell, cough, sore throat, hoarseness, fever, loss of appetite.
3 Gastrointestinal: Headache, loss of smell, loss of appetite, diarrhea, sore throat, chest pain, no cough.
4 Severe level one, fatigue: Headache, loss of smell, cough, fever, hoarseness, chest pain, fatigue.
5 Severe level two, confusion: Headache, loss of smell, loss of appetite, cough, fever, hoarseness, sore throat, chest pain, fatigue, confusion, muscle pain.
6 Severe level three, abdominal and respiratory: Headache, loss of smell, loss of appetite, cough, fever, hoarseness, sore throat, chest pain, fatigue, confusion, muscle pain, shortness of breath, diarrhea, abdominal pain.
Patients with level 4, 5 and 6 types were more likely to be admitted to hospital and more likely to need respiratory support, the researchers said.

March Exposure 1

This exposure was most focused on sever head pains as in December. Like a spike driven into the brain. It was like a mild reaction to what I was exposed to in December. In all cases, I never really had diarrhea, but more like., "What did I eat' and it was gone.
This one had the severe head pains for three days, and then it kind of disappeared, and then came the second exposure almost immediately.
1 'Flu-like' with no fever: Headache, loss of smell, muscle pains, cough, sore throat, chest pain, no fever.
2 'Flu-like' with fever: Headache, loss of smell, cough, sore throat, hoarseness, fever, loss of appetite.
3 Gastrointestinal: Headache, loss of smell, loss of appetite, diarrhea, sore throat, chest pain, no cough.
4 Severe level one, fatigue: Headache, loss of smell, cough, fever, hoarseness, chest pain, fatigue.
5 Severe level two, confusion: Headache, loss of smell, loss of appetite, cough, fever, hoarseness, sore throat, chest pain, fatigue, confusion, muscle pain.
6 Severe level three, abdominal and respiratory: Headache, loss of smell, loss of appetite, cough, fever, hoarseness, sore throat, chest pain, fatigue, confusion, muscle pain, shortness of breath, diarrhea, abdominal pain.
Patients with level 4, 5 and 6 types were more likely to be admitted to hospital and more likely to need respiratory support, the researchers said.

March Exposure 2

I also had the pink watering eyes with this exposure which seems to be an American thing. My lungs felt like someone hit them with a baseball bat. This lasted 2 weeks in the feeling like I was being suffocated.
This time had me thinking "What the hell is wrong with me, in would I ever get well". That is what I remember about it as the not being able to get enough air, while in bed went away, before the Holy Ghost Inspired me that this was Coronavirus again. This took the longest to recover from and it was a series of relapses as I kept feeling ill, almost recover and then feel some symptoms again. It was the most debilitating in not being able to get oxygen enough for two weeks while doing chores or going on walks. I remember eating an apple while walking, and feeling like a I was suffocating.
As an additional note, I was up at 5 AM as I was hotter than hell in bed, looked in the mirror and my eyes were red and watering, so I went to check my temperature, but it read 98.6 twice. I don't know if the fever broke as I was ok when I went back to bed.
I also was taking Advil which they said not to do, but it did not kill me apparently.
Lastly, after I recovered, in getting ready for the garden I had welded and then breathed in some exhaust in a shed, and the next day my lungs were baseball bat sore. I went for a walk with TL and thought this is not good in the pain, and about a mile and a half into it, the pain stopped and never returned. Thank God for that, but it was like that high fever, it was there and then just gone.

1 'Flu-like' with no fever: Headache, loss of smell, muscle pains, cough, sore throat, chest pain, no fever.
2 'Flu-like' with fever: Headache, loss of smell, cough, sore throat, hoarseness, fever, loss of appetite.
3 Gastrointestinal: Headache, loss of smell, loss of appetite, diarrhea, sore throat, chest pain, no cough.
4 Severe level one, fatigue: Headache, loss of smell, cough, fever, hoarseness, chest pain, fatigue.
5 Severe level two, confusion: Headache, loss of smell, loss of appetite, cough, fever, hoarseness, sore throat, chest pain, fatigue, confusion, muscle pain.
6 Severe level three, abdominal and respiratory: Headache, loss of smell, loss of appetite, cough, fever, hoarseness, sore throat, chest pain, fatigue, confusion, muscle pain, shortness of breath, diarrhea, abdominal pain.
Patients with level 4, 5 and 6 types were more likely to be admitted to hospital and more likely to need respiratory support, the researchers said.

I believe my regulators appeared here again and kindly administered a booster exposure, which had mild symptoms of slight throat discomfort, slight lack of lung capacity, but a 3 day sinus headache with mucous draining.

I do believe this virus triggers other vaccine virus, which is probably why some people have worse diarrhea.

TL never had the severe reactions that I had. TL had a TB shot though from being overseas. None of these exposures was anything I want to repeat. The last exposures we had started selenium and B 12, and expanded it by then to the B 12, selenium, potassium, magnesium and zinc, with Vitamin D and we do take Feverfew. That did help I believe, but most people are not getting hosed down as pets in the pen which I am grateful for, as most people were going to contract this, and I was targeted for the L strain and was immunized against that, which is a pretty rough ride, even if not critical.

That sums up this examination.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
