Friday, July 31, 2020

Swabbing Ann Coulter's Anus

The Taipei Tim

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is interesting that the Chinese PLA has sent out their Obama paid bioweapon's lab germ breeder to attack Donald Trump and tamper in the US elections to assist Joe Biden.
While the Chinese are a filthy and lying Mongoloid race, there is something in the statements by this bio queen, which produces a bit of insight and proves what this blog has stated all along about this biological weapon.

I'm interested in the Ann Coulter part of this biological weapon, in Coulter is fixated on this virus came out of a bat's ass by accident. The Chicom babe notes that they were searching for Coronavirus up animal's asses and in their shit. This mirrors exactly where Coronavirus was spread as this blog stated in human shit wiped on things, it survives well in sewers and it is readily spread in water.

While the Chicom did not find Ann Coulter's bat's ass germ, her statements prove this virus was like HIV in excrement and was quite viable in that environment of the anus.

While the lab has collected more than 2,000 samples of coronaviruses from animals, through anal swabs, oral swabs and fecal samples, none had gene sequences is similar to SARS-CoV-2,

Now we know where Coronavirus originated. It was in shit samples and quite dynamic.

The Chicomette also related adamantly that this biological weapon did not come from the Obama bio lab. The staff there did not test positive. No one from this blog ever said this came from the Wuhan lab. Dick Allgire stated there were two manufacturing facilities which had "accidents".
These were not samples, but vat batches for a first strike against the United States.

Shi also claimed that all the staff and students at WIV were recently tested for the viral infection and that everyone was negative. This, she said, does not support the notion that the virus could have existed in the lab and accidentally

As an earth or anus crushing admonition to Ann Coulter, the Chiomette stated that her lab had been testing all through Hubei for bat's ass Coronavirus, but had not found any. This is coming from the PLA talking points. The Chinese know that this virus is not their bioweapon and it came from somewhere outside. They were not working on this virus, but another virus.
The progenitors of this counter virus strike on China are powerful enough, that the Chicoms are not naming them. Note they did not blame Donald Trump or thee Americans. This is not an American virus as this blog stated, as the American military was baffled by what this entity is.

She claimed that the lab has done bat virus surveillance in Hubei Province for many years, but have not found that bats in Wuhan or even the wider Hubei Province carry any coronaviruses that are closely related to SARS-CoV-2. “I don’t think the spillover from bats to humans occurred in Wuhan or in Hubei.

Note in this quote, and it is important, where the Chinese were finding this virus. They found it on door handles. That is from shit smears. They found it in sewage, that is excrement, and yes the ground, where the filthy Chinese dump their shit.
The carriers of Coronavirus Mirror in Wuhan were not Ann Coulter's bats asses, but the carriers were humans, infected humans, with shit covered hands. This is exactly as this blog stated this virus was spread and is spread.

Shi also moved to clear the Huanan seafood market in Wuhan – where one of the earliest clusters of the virus was identified – as the site of human transmission from an intermediate host. “We detected SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acids in environmental samples from sources such as rolling door handles, the ground and sewage in that market, but we did not detect any SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acids in frozen animal samples. The Huanan seafood market may just be a crowded location where a cluster of early novel coronavirus patients were found,”

Now how did this virus in the Lethal Strain end up in humans? That was deliberate transmission or infection of humans. The lying Chinese have in forensic psychology confirmed a great deal as their Mongoloid minds can not but reveal facts as the Chinamen has assessed that Donald Trump is a greater threat than a biological weapon at this juncture, as Trump will divide and obliterate China.

Many though will not be alive for this division or for other things. I wonder as I have not inquired, just how long the damage Coronavirus, which this blog predicted will begin killing it's victims, just like Scarlet Fever did with heart damage.

I suspect the reality of why my heart has been even more prone to skipping beats than usual.

Compared with similar people who had not had COVID-19, the recently recovered patients' hearts pumped more weakly and displayed other risk factors for heart failure. Puntmann suspects the abnormalities are signs of permanent problems. "While we do not have direct evidence for late consequences yet, such as the development of heart failure ... it is quite possible that in a few years, this burden will be enormous based on what we have learned from other viral conditions that similarly affect the heart,

The thought has occurred to me, that with all of this testing, which that dolt George Noory employs and  creams himself over, just how long do you think all these college kids and others with multiple testing do not get their sinuses torn, fissured and worn, with all those swabs up their noses? It will cause problems just like snorting too much coke.

So the Chicoms are telling us things, well they are confirming what the Lame Cherry informed you of months ago. I'm more concerned about little Ann Coulter though, as she invested so much in her bat anus fetish, that she will probably go suicidal when the bat anus was not in Wuhan, but in a lab which was splicing spiral bacteria, HIV, tuberculosis and all those little gems, so that those spike proteins of the 1237 vaccines will have something to replicate all through the human body.

Just keep watching Ann Coulter's swabbed anus, as that is the diversion, as what is planned is what is joined to this serum.

Nuff Said
