Sunday, July 19, 2020
The Aspen Story
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
So it was a hot, windy day, miserable day in the brier patch. Most of you people when you say wind, have no idea what wind is. Wind in the brier patch makes the real trees howl, the evergreens hiss, and it looks like a hurricane on land in the wind bouncing the trees in waves.
So on days like that, you go for a drive, instead of a walk. In the brier, you can count on open containers and guns behind the seat. So we get home and it is around 4 pm, and I say to TL, lets play with the kitties as they are at that age, and we have chairs next to this Chinaman shed for shade, and we sat playing with kitties, as the wind howled and the cats clawed and bit me to their delight.
So I am watching this aspen, a dead one of course, which I have not cut down, as the birds perch on it and the cats like crawling up the tree and having fun. So it is a dead tree, but Stephanie has one, and the birds like sitting in that one too, and I had plans on cutting it down this year before it fell down, and it was a small tree about 30 feet high, as aspens are small, so no harm no fowl.
So I am sitting there cat clawed, and I am watching this aspen next to us twist in the wind, and the idea comes to mind to tell TL, "Maybe we shouldn't be sitting under that tree". Widowmakers are notorious for killing people in storms, which is why you do not camp under them.
So TL looks at the tree and agrees it is not a good place to be sitting, so we get up, move the kitties and go inside to make supper as it was around 5.
So, I see I have to feed the cats yet, as TL leaves treats for them, and I go out, get some dry cat food and I hear this crack. I hear another crack and look over, and it happened so fast that I did not see it even while looking at it, but there went that dead aspen, BANG on top of the cheap ass Chinaman shed, bounced a bit, and amazed me that, that tree was pretty tall for being short, as it laid on top of the house, cushioned by the lilac bush.
Not amused, but pleased that it did not fall down tearing the wiring off the house or busting out the windows or smashing the Chinaman hut, I go instead to be a typical smart ass and tell TL that I have something to show.
TL looks out, in the cat direction and sees nothing, looks at me, and I said to look the other way, and TL got to see the aspen still bouncing in the wind on the Chinaman.
I thought about leaving that thing there, but it seemed like a bad idea, so grabbing a branch it rolled off and kerplunked on the ground. Still on the lilacs and still part on the house. That was good enough for a wind storm.
I know this was the Holy Ghost telling me things, as the Holy Ghost tells me things, psychic things, clairvoyant things, things I have no idea of knowing, but I know things and I sometimes make the mistake of not knowing what to do, but this time I knew enough to get the hell out of dodge.
I liked that aspen. I planted it. It has fond memories of ice storms which bent it into an arc. I shot an owl that was first perched in it on Christmas Eve trying to kill my chickens. Like I said, I liked that tree, even up to the point of trying to dent me and kill the Chinaman.
I think the termites got into the base of that tree as big holes were in it, but we don't have termites so that was special too.
I primed the chainsaw on another hot and windy day today, trimmed off the branches and have turned the aspen into logs for the woodstove which is on the agenda to build and put in. For a soft wood that aspen seemed kind of hard to me. Not much wood, but it was a small tree, until it fell down, and then it somehow grew.
That is the aspen tree adventure. John Wayne rides in them aspens in True Grit with the leaves falling down on Mattie and that Texan with the cow lick hair played by Glen Campbell. Pretty scene really of cinematography. More pretty than a scuffed Chinaman, but now I got memories of the aspen in the scuffed Chinaman sitting in the yard.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said