Sunday, July 19, 2020

Get Your Electric Boogaloo

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This past week, something caught my attention in an email from Smokey Mountain Knife works featuring Electric Boogaloo in a sales flier.  I have no idea if they are backing Civil War or are just ignorant, but it reveals that this phrase is permeating America.

I have been meaning to write more on the Boogaloo Bois, for the defining reason that the Jews are trying to link these leftists to the Right Wing in America, just as they attempt with the National Socialists in the Nazis.
I will repeat this Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter that Socialism is LEFT WING. Hitler led the National Socialists of Germany, which was LEFT WING. Nazi's are not right wing as socialism is a leftist ideology.

The Task and Purpose recently tried to place the Boogaloo Bois into the right wing, with a military recruitment slant. This quote exposes how incorrect and Mockingbird deliberate this propaganda is.

They are the newest of a number of violent far-right groups, with a libertarian bent that is perfectly engineered to attract adherents online, according to three experts, who spoke with Task & Purpose about the rise of the ‘Boogaloo boys’ and what it means for the nation’s military-to-extremist pipeline.

After 40 years of Bush, Clinton and Obama, the United States military is not right wing. It is a social experiment for sexual deviants. The reaction to the military to Donald Trump is telling, in they were supporting terrorists and racists in BLM and ANTIFA in the Obama Intifada, while apologizing for being seen with the President.

The libertarian bent is the misnomer in this quote, because Libertarians have been overthrown. They are no longer right wing, due to the fact they are homosexuals, dopers and abortionists. Libertarians once in the Tom Selleck era advocated no govenrment intrusion into people's lives. What libertarians are pushing now is absolute license in anything goes, just as long as it goes their way.
Who pushes aborticide, sodomy and drug use? That is Barack Obama's communists, Nancy Pelosi's socialists, the Green Party, ANTIFA and BLM. Those are all left wing political movements, and the libertarians are left wing by choice. The reality is the Boogaloo Bois in being libertarian bent defines them as left wing.

There has been a joining of BLM and BB this past Obama Intifada Summer. A most interesting moment occurred again in Richmond Virginia, the home of all of this FBI and BATFE guided extremism.
In this case on the 4th of July, BLM and BB joined ranks, and the BB went after, the White Supremacists. Time and again the Mockingbird has attempted to link Boogaloo to the racist movements 'on the right", but in Richmond the BB joined with BLM against the Supremacists. Boogloo Bois joined the Black Supremacists.
The issue was the Chancellorville FBI mayhem over toppling Confederate statues. It was the statue of Robert E. Lee which all had gathered for, and all were heavily armed, just as the FBI Richmond Gun Rally in early 2020, produced the same armed camp in Richmond.

This Lame Cherry will be blunt. The FBI and BATFE have admitted that they have paid informants and assets galore in all of these groups. It has been said that there are more FBI agents at these rallies than regular folk. Just as the FBI had a hand in getting Governor Black Face to declare a state of emergency in Virginia over a gun rally, the FBI has been guiding these groups, as certain as when they paid Jesse Jackson to be the guidance of Blacks after the regime assassinated Martin King.

Remember Hutatree when Eric Holder for Barack Obama tried to frame those White people from Michigan. Remember how the BATFE and FBI swept in on these innocent Americans who were later all cleared as a political smearing of people on the right, as Holder had accomplished for the Clintons at Waco, Ruby Ridge and OKC. Remember in all of those instances that David Koresch in Waco could have been arrested on the city streets if the government had wanted, remember Randy Weaver was set up and remember at OKC that the bomb making material was delivered by the BATFE to Timothy McVeigh.

Major crackdowns when the regime wants to send a message, but the message this time is the FBI had no idea ANTIFA from Obama Intifada was going to rampage across America, when ANTIFA had planned it down to delivering the bricks. The FBI knew, just like the FBI knew what was taking place in Richmond and guided it. The FBI did not stop massively armed leftists in BLM, Supremacists and Boogaloos, because this is what the FBI was under orders to perpetuate.

The fact is you are looking at an FBI political operation.


A Fourth of July rally and protest in Richmond, Va., saw an unlikely alliance form between armed Black Lives Matter (BLM) activists and “boogaloo boys” in defiance of white nationalism and in support of the Second Amendment, video from the event shows.
Both groups arrived in downtown Richmond to support gun rights and in the midst of a larger controversy surrounding a Robert E. Lee statue that BLM activists believe should be taken down. Each group was heavily armed, but no violence was reported, and it doesn’t appear that any arrests were made.
The potentially explosive incident began when the boogaloo group, the BLM group, and a white nationalist group all gathered in the same area to protest. The boogaloo contingent was led by a 19-year-old named Mike Dunn, according to reporting from NPR, and he welcomed the armed BLM group as fellow advocates for gun rights.
But the white nationalists began yelling “Heil Hitler” and goose-stepping, according to Dunn. The boogaloo group stopped the white nationalist before things turned violent, and Dunn later told the crowd that racist behavior is unacceptable.

What you are witnessing is the bleeding off of the White Supremacist fringe which has very few advocates, for this neo Boogaloo Bois, who are allied with Obama leftists in the BLM and ANTIFA soy boys, and the central issue in this is firearms.

In forensic psychology, what this medically points to is America is at a fracture point as the American Genocide takes hold in the dumping of over 100 million foreigners into the United States to vanquish the Protestant majority. Somewhere in this, just as Jesse Jackson was paid to mind the Quadroons after communist Martin King was neutralized is a psychological operation on Edward Lansdale short, the FBI is lighting Boogaloo fires to backfire the fuel of what they believe will be a disgruntled group of trained Veterans, who in being abused and abandoned, could promote an armed resistance to the conversion of America to secular communism and nazism.

You must understand this reality of what the evidence points to, in why the Jews and leftists are going nuts over Boogaloo  like the Alt Right, which are both leftists, generated from political intelligence circles, in order to lure in the several hundred problems who actions if not managed could rally what is left of the American nation. This 2020 election is designed to delay and burn off those disgruntled by re electing Donald Trump, whose GOP Congress will then begin passing National Socialist polices of national healthcare, a national corporate police force for hire, a national amnesty for foreigners. The FBI has been sent out to create Boogaloo, in the same schism the CIA was mind fucking the Counter Culture with dope and sex, and pulling the strings for Charlie Manson in his Helter Skelter to defuse what the Black communists were supposed to accomplish in pulling America left as Bill Ayers had them raping Marxist Jewish girls in Chicago.

That is what is behind the issue of Sgt. Carillo, who the media has ignored, in one of the Bois who got off the reservation. Perhaps you remember hearing something about two federal contract officers shot in California as the Obama Intifada was poured gasoline on it? That story disappeared, but the source was Carillo in he pulled up and shot the feds in Oakland after hammering Santa Cruz deputies in an ambush.
Again, Carillo is not far right. He was though engaging in the CIA's Charlie Manson cult responses of Helter Skelter, which was tracked to the CIA's support of satanic cults to condition the willing.

These Boogaloo's who go postal get some coverage, but not national exposure, as those behind this do not want these actions inspiring thousands of others which would begin Boogaloo. These events are allowed to take place, as little more than collateral damage, but it advances the project. Just as the "riots" were cover for another spread of Coronavirus, this time in key states of California,  Texas and Florida, which had little spread in the first backfires which were set after Washington and New York.

On June 6th, Air Force Staff Sgt. Steven Carillo was arrested in California in connection to 19 separate felonies, including the alleged murder of a Santa Cruz County sheriff’s deputy and serious wounding of two other law enforcement officers in an ambush attack. Weeks later, prosecutors alleged in Carillo’s indictment that the airman had also orchestrated the fatal shooting of a federal officer and wounding of another at a federal building in Oakland amid unrest sparked by the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis Police. According to prosecutors, Carrillo was motivated to target law enforcement officers with violence because of his connections to the ‘Boogaloo’ movement, an amorphous umbrella of far-right, anti-government extremists who seek to spark a second Civil War by, among other acts, murdering police officers. 

There is not any way this is from the ground up in organization. This is from the top down and it is for a purpose which is being worked out. It is too well funded, too organized and too protected by the FBI and BATFE.
These agencies can not arrest people fast enough when they are making a political point, but when they want armed bands of thugs roaming the streets, confronting other armed bands as the cops are withdrawn from the streets, that is what a psyops operation looks like as Edward Lansdale designed them.

The Lame Cherry advice is to stay away from this shit as this will disappear as fast at the Alt Right once it's purpose is done, and those idiots involved will be left with their names on lists to be weeded out for projects should the need arise.

All of this is as phony as that Omar Muslim woman who incested her brother and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. All trained and all paid from the same source and monitored for effect by the intelligence and security branches to push the agenda which they are under orders to progress.

This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
