Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The German Coronavirus Cure

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry again is attempting to endeavor to educate your understanding of what is coming on the Coronavirus biological weapon vaccine. For those who read this blog, they will notice I did use the term "vaccine" this time, and not a serum injection, because the FDA just fast tracked two mRNA injections, and both are German linked in Pfizer and BioNTech in the strains BNT162b1 and BNT162b2.

FDA fast tracks two new vaccine candidates

These companies are all in new and unproven science with the RNA or genetic programming vaccines. I will break this down hopefully using Richard computer programming examples, as that is what is taking place in the human cells with these RNA manipulations, in the genetics are being programmed.

I did not trust Moderna nor Astra Zeneka in their serums. Moderna is dead baby based vaccines and it was making people deathly sick in doses over 100 mcgs. The English at Astra were giving vaccines and people were getting sick anyway with Coronavirus. The claim being that they did not get as sick, but a little sick from Coronanirus puts people in the morgue.

The Germans though are involved in something which appears different. I do not know if they are using the human Coronavirus as Moderna was and then attaching the 1761 spike to it, to make it a super charged biological weapon, which the body will recognize in the 1761 spike protein, but what the Germans are involved in, is taking the basic biological programming of a virus, and placing it into a medium which is infected into the body. The infection or injection then gets into cells, and starts replicating the Coronavirus sequence, which the body recognizes and is triggered to begin producing antigen or antibody to kill the invader, as what the immune system is supposed to do, when it is not a biological weapon.

An RNA vaccine or mRNA vaccine is a novel type of vaccine for providing acquired immunity through an RNA containing vector, such as lipid nanoparticles.
Just like normal vaccines, RNA vaccines are intended to induce the production of antibodies which will bind to potential pathogens. The RNA sequence codes for antigens, proteins that are identical or resembling those of the pathogen. Upon the delivery of the vaccine into the body, this sequence is translated by the host cells to produce the encoded antigens, which then stimulate the body’s adaptive immune system to produce antibodies against the pathogen.

It is the expression vector or this serum which makes the body think this is a Coronavirus which it recognizes as virus where it did not previously, which is the key to all of the mRNA genetics. It is like a computer program which tells you your burglar alarm is ringing, before the burglar breaks into your home.
That is what a vaccine is, it triggers immune response so your body is ready for a virus, before you contract it.

An expression vector, otherwise known as an expression construct, is usually a plasmid or virus designed for gene expression in cells. The vector is used to introduce a specific gene into a target cell, and can commandeer the cell's mechanism for protein synthesis to produce the protein encoded by the gene. Expression vectors are the basic tools in biotechnology for the production of proteins.
The vector is engineered to contain regulatory sequences that act as enhancer and promoter regions and lead to efficient transcription of the gene carried on the expression vector. The goal of a well-designed expression vector is the efficient production of protein, and this may be achieved by the production of significant amount of stable messenger RNA, which can then be translated into protein. The expression of a protein may be tightly controlled, and the protein is only produced in significant quantity when necessary through the use of an inducer, in some systems however the protein may be expressed constitutively. Escherichia coli is commonly used as the host for protein production, but other cell types may also be used. An example of the use of expression vector is the production of insulin, which is used for medical treatments of diabetes.

 It is this coding carried by the serum, which then is replicated in cells, but does not make the person sick, because they do not have the virus which is what makes this entire scenario functional and why the FDA had fast tracked these two "treatments".

  • mRNA stands for messenger ribonucleic acid, which is a molecule in cells that carries codes from DNA to make proteins
  • An mRNA vaccine encodes proteins of a virus, which is inserted into a cell to trigger an immune response and create antibodies
  • mRNA vaccines are non-infectious and could be produced quickly at large scale

Although this is all new, untested, and dangerous. what is not dangerous on the surface is that this serum is like an email alert, that you have email before it appears. The serum looks like Coronavirus but is not Coronavirus. All the serum is, is a coding which like a virus, causes the body to react to the Coronavirus to kill it.

Nucleic acids are the basic building blocks of life. An RNA (ribonucleic acid) vaccine or mRNA (messenger RNA) vaccine is a new type of vaccine.
mRNA vaccines are intended to kick up the production of antibodies within the human body, which will bind to (fight and disable) potential pathogens.
The mRNA sequence codes for antigens (disease-fighting agents), proteins that are identical or resemble those of the pathogen.
Upon the delivery of the vaccine into the body, this sequence is translated by the host cells to produce the encoded antigens, which then stimulate the body’s adaptive immune system to produce antibodies against the pathogen.

As the Lame Cherry mentioned, the Moderna trials were making people sick. The current trial dosage is 100 mcg. Anything about that was flattening people with severe illness. That was a warning signal to me, because this serum has to replicate and what would be the results if it replicated too fast or was in old people with health problems, and it killed the sick and elderly as it was making young males very sick.

The German dose is just 10 mcg. That is amazing. They apparently used greater doses, and no one appears to have become ill or has serious side effects. The German 10 mcg does is like a yeast. It is replicating from a small amount, making the entire body leaven, all without making people sick.
This is what a vaccine is supposed to do and that is what makes this German project most interesting.

The Germans found that their serum, when injected into humans, would produce within a month, higher levels of antibodies, than people who had survived the original biological weapon.

The two vaccine candidates are called BNT162b1 and BNT162b2, and both are messenger ribonucleic acid (or mRNA) vaccines.
Earlier this month, the companies released phase 1/2 trial data. The trials showed that all participants who received 10 micrograms (mcg) or 30 mcg of an mRNA vaccine candidate generated a higher number of antibodies compared to the average of a group of patients who had confirmed prior COVID-19 infections.

“These preliminary data are encouraging in that they provide an initial signal that BNT162b1 targeting the RBD SARS-CoV-2 is able to produce neutralizing antibody responses in humans at or above the levels observed in convalescent sera – and that it does so at relatively low dose levels. We look forward to providing further data updates on BNT162b1,” Ugur Sahin, M.D., CEO and Co-founder of BioNTech said in a statement

These German RNA vaccines appear to be the break through which no one else has been able to achieve. In the government studies recording these tests, I paid particular attention to the trials, as in those trials there were more than these two fast tracked RNA serums. There were 4 serums tested, and out of the four, these two were the ones which provided the definitive results. That is crucial in this as Moderna and Astra, had just one line each, and neither one was that appealing.

There is something in this, which is hidden, and it links into what President Trump and others have spoken of in all of these vaccines, as in triple the amount needed. It appears like tetanus, which a person receives an original vaccine to ward off lock jaw and the goes back for a booster, for the full immunity, that this is what the Germans are studying in there is the initial 28 day response, and then the tracking of other responses with boosters to 128 days or 4 months.

What the Germans are bringing to the table negates Dr. Anthony Fauci's gripe about Vaxers will never take this vaccine so there can not be immunity for the herd, because when one has a serum like this, which produces a 30 day immediate immunity, the population which takes it will not get sick, and when this immunity with a booster will track to 4 months and beyond, then the plague will cease as enough people will have been exposed that it can not re infect, at least in civilized parts of the world, where there are not filthy Chinese, Indians, Latins and Blacks providing incubation plague centers.

The trial has two parts: a dose-finding part (Part A) with four dose cohorts (treatment groups) for each vaccine and one pre-defined and one optional dose level for a de-escalation approach and, a second part (Part B) dedicated to recruit expansion cohorts with dose levels which are selected from data generated in Part A. The vaccines BNT162a1, BNT162b1, and BNT162b2 will be administered using a Prime/Boost (P/B) regimen. The vaccine BNT162c2 will be administered using a Single dose (SD) regimen.
For BNT162a1, BNT162b1, BNT162b2 (P/B): [ Time Frame: up to 162 days following dose administration ]
Fold increase in functional antibody titers 7±1 days and 21±2 days after primary immunization and at 21±2 days, 63±5 days, and 162±7 days after the boost immunization.

At this phase, in having the information the Germans have provided and had success with, I am inclined to give this a favorable response. A small dose of 10 mcgs, no one is getting sick, all the dose is, is viral programming, not the virus, and the body manufactures immunity in 28 days greater than the immunity which people who had the original biological weapon. Unless there is something in this which goes haywire, which it could, but has not manifested yet as the Germans have been thorough in this, this will make the biological weapon from Wuhan China disappear.

Earlier this month, the companies said the testing of two dosages of BNT162b1 on 24 healthy volunteers showed that after 28 days they had developed higher levels of COVID-19 antibodies than typically seen in infected people.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
