As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I have been really interested in the new puzzling change of direction in Donald Trump, to mask or not to unmask, as there were stories planted by WHO that the virus was now airborne. I will get to the bottom of this bullshit so all of you can assess and make up your own minds, but I desired to include some information which Wayne Allen Root provided on the Bill Cunningham Show on Sunday evening.
The break down of it is, "The Texas surge number of deaths were not from July. They were from APRIL". Yes in this new surge we are being terrorized by, the CDC is releasing revised death tolls. I'm not saying that this S strain the inoculant is not spreading by design, but I am stating that this virus is 99% not critical or lethal now. Most of the deaths are coming from dark skins, not white skins. This virus will spread when schools open, when the country opened up, because filthy people are going to contract it and not wash their shitty or bogger hands. What is though taking place now is deliberate false scenarios, and those behind this are knowingly lying.
Dr. Jerome Adams appeared on CBS Face the Nation, and suffering from blonde fever, wore a face mask, and then uttered a most alarming statement that he is moving toward mandating masks and PENALIZING PEOPLE who do not wear them, just like Birther Hussein was rationing death with Obamacare and fining people.
The VICE Admiral suffers from duh blonde fever
I'm saying that if we're going to have a mask mandate, we need to understand that works best at the local and state level along with education. We need people to understand why they're doing it. And we need people to understand how they benefit from it, because if we just try to mandate it, you have to have an enforcement mechanism.
I apologize as it was Sunday, around Midnight and I was falling asleep, but FOX radio had on two reports, which quoted both Trump officials. One was Adams in this call for mandated masks, and then there was another individual, which I can not remember the name of, but this health official explained something which I had been puzzled by in the propaganda. I will paraphrase what he stated.
When I heard this official repeat the original advice, which has been standard, I knew the Surgeon General was lying through his ass for his deep state and I knew WHO was lying about this being an airborne virus. This biological weapon HAS NOT MUTATED. It is still SNOT and DROPLETS which are infecting people. It is not floating in the air. This virus is still as it always has been, a contact and surface virus. It is not in the air. So the Jerome Adams and others who are pushing this goddamn criminalizing Americans for not wearing a mask is all bullshit, so they are up to some other brainwashing and conditioning.......and I will tell you that this virus according to Adams has a 2 week life spread currently. This surge is going to be done by August 1st. That is very close to the day this blog originally published was when the inquiry stated the cases would fall off.
"The reason you wear masks is to protect others. They are not going to protect you. All the mask is doing is stopping droplets from asymptomatic people from infecting others".
Whether people are wearing masks or not, this virus is going to run it's course in these surge states of California, Arizona, Texas and Florida in dropping off in two weeks.
It is bullshit this "slow the spread" because Americans slowed the spread, and then these FBI trolls started Bill Cunningham screaming about opening the country up. They got what they wanted and the virus spread, because they wanted people infected. Now it is masks, which are of no use in your not catching this biological weapon, unless you are in a situation of an enclosed environment as sick people in your home, a medical person treating infected people or sitting by a coofer blasting snot at you, otherwise according to the Trump expert, who should not have stated that in public, the only people who should have masks are sick people, as this virus is not airborne, so you can not breathe it in.
I am not stating that this biological weapon is not bad. In the S strains it is hell on cells. The following is a list of symptoms people have, and this mirrors the Italian strains which hit New York City and Italy, where people are sick months after their infection, but this seems to be certain genetic groups, outside the Israelite Germans, and or Northern Europeans or East Asians.
- Extreme tachycardia. My heart rate was once 160 while I was sleeping.
- Chest pain, like someone’s sitting on your sternum.
- Back and rib pain like someone’s taken a baseball bat to your torso.
- Fatigue like you’ve never felt before in your life. Fatigue like your body is shutting off. Fatigue so bad that it would often make me cry because I thought it might mean I was dying.
- GI problems, diarrhea to severe acid reflux. I had diarrhea every day for two+ months.
- Unbearable nausea.
- Inexplicable rashes.
- For me, little broken blood vessels all over my body.
- For many of us, a constant shortness of breath that doctors can’t find an explanation for.
- Neurological symptoms. I had delirium & hallucinations. Many report tingling all over their body, an internal “buzzing” or “vibrating.”
- Insomnia & chronic hypnic bodily jerks. One symptom so weird that I thought it was just me, but it turns out it’s so many of us.
- Waking up in the middle of the night, gasping for breath.
- Tremors while trying to sleep, like someone was shaking the bed.
TL and I happen to be fortunate. We have keepers who inoculate us as their cattle. We prepared and got the hell out of metro areas. Seriously, the only person we saw today, was the mailman on our two mile walk. Most days I do not see 6 people driving by. We do not have to wear masks, because we only go to stores which do not require masks. We wear gloves, as I will not have shit and snot on my hands from dirty people. So we do precautions, of gloves on mail, and dunking things in bleach from the store. We are used to this now, so it is not a big deal. It is just a part of life.
If you are in an area which has cases, then you should protect yourself, to even wearing a mask. As the woman who had the symptoms above stated,
As Oliver puts it on Twitter, “It’s not enough to not die. You don’t want to live thru this, either.”
I am amused by the above, because in my experience with this biological weapon, and others who have endured it, the above phrase is exactly the visceral reaction we all have. You do not want this shit, even in a mild form as it will knock the hell out of you.
I was paranoid before all of this in wearing gloves. It is why I wear them and will continue to wear them, till whatever is coming, kills 90% of the population off in the booger pickers and shit snackers, as I am not going to catch something else, that puts me into and emergency ward with coofers. Three rounds of this shit was enough.
I though am not wearing a mask, because there is not a scientific reason to as it will protect no one who is going about their lives who is healthy. My concern was what this virus was doing now, from the propaganda and lies, but once the Trump official blurted out the facts that this was droplets from infected people, I knew this had gone to a Wayne Allen Root warning of the Obama KGB screwing with people's minds again.
Could there be a COVID 20 out there that Jerome Corsi warned of, that is spreading airborne? Yes there could be, but if there is, then tell the people and stop lying to them about Coronavirus Wuhan. It will mean the United States must respond with nuclear strikes against the nation or nations involved in this new biological warfare attack upon the United States, but that is what we paid trillions of dollars for is to teach the nuclear lesson to Eurasians, not to be stuck behind a 10 dollar mask, sucking in our bad breath and taking a spit facial every day.
Nuff Said