Thursday, July 30, 2020

To those who knew BIll Cooper

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It was nice to receive this note, from someone who met Bill Cooper in sharing their experience, as I miss the Art Bell days when it was real people actually relating their experiences, compared to the current goup who are reciting 30 year old knowledge, stealing things from this blog or crafting whatever Nostradamus uttering to be an expert to get air time.

Message: I personally met Bill Cooper in 1989 at the Whole Life Expo in NYC. I was selling "900 Numbers" at the time. We kept in touch over the next few years and he was a wealth of information shaping my opinions on reality (like yourself). Stay well.

I know Bill Cooper had a hard life. No one deserves to be mistreated that way or have the "conspiracy group B" unleashed on them. It all becomes complicated by design when information is plugged into misinformation in the Catch 22.

We are moving into an arena though which is going to make Kennedy, UFO's and 9 11, look like tard play, because it will exploit the conditioning as we are a most sophisticated mind warped people.

Just wanted to say thank you.
