Saturday, August 15, 2020

A Matter of Mouse Shit Faith

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

People reading this blog, by now should have figured out that my kind of Faith and interaction with God, is not like what you find in pulpit sermons across the globe. My relationship with God is real, and it involves real things. My God is a God Who does not mind getting shit on His shoes, well at least that is how I view His taking care of me.

This is about my horrid uncle and what a bastard he is, a complete manipulative bastard.

So last year, he got it into his head to pay me Nigger wages for doing things for him. He had a bigger plan though in suckering me to buy his old pick up. He even had his child send me information on what the pick up was worth, as to lure me to buy it. Yeah after I took it in and fixed it for him, and the idea was he was going to pay me 1000 dollars for the priv of taking care of him, and charge me 12,000 dollars for his pick up which I could not afford.

As I would not play his game, he got really pissed off at my not agreeing to take it up the ass in being screwed over.

Yes not pulpit sermons here.

So we go over there this past July, and there on the lawn is this wad of mouse nest. It is the mother of all mouse nests. It was in the pickup and best of all mice get things out of the seats of vehicles when they make their home in cubby holes, so now his pickup smells like mouse piss, has it's seats torn out, and best of all, the mouse is still there, ready to repeat the nest building.

This is what God's avenging looks like. This old boy could have been kind and given me that pick up for taking care of him, in saving his life. Instead he tried to rob me, but God had a little mouse which could bring the whole situation to that bastard's undoing, which has now taken place.

Uncle would not give m the pickup, so God gave it to a mouse.

My God is a wonderful God.

Nuff Said
