Friday, August 14, 2020

The First Head Falls


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The abuse of power in the United States uncovered in the framing of Donald Trump has reached conviction in the first conspirator has plead guilty to his crimes of manufacturing and changing evidence to obtain a FISA warrant on Carter Page.

Much was made about the danger that Valerie Plame was under when Dick Armitage outed this CIA agent, but the fact is that in this abuse of power, Carter Page was a government asset, working for the CIA, and he was exposed in all of this.

It was more than prison that Carter Page and others faced. These Americans were framed as traitors, and the penalty for this is the death sentence.

Kevin Clinesmith under FBI James Baker, was the cog in the wheel which started turning the Obama Rice conspiracy out of the White House and headed by John Brennan of CIA and given legal authority by James Comey of the FBI.

AG Barr says Durham investigation won't interfere with election schedule
Posted by Sean Hannity on Friday, August 14, 2020 “Former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith will plead guilty to making a false statement in the first criminal case arising from U.S. Attorney John Durham’s review of the investigation into links between Russia and the 2016 Trump campaign, two sources close to the matter tell Fox News,” reports Fox News.
FBI Attorney Kevin Clinesmith Pleads Guilty To Falsifying Carter Page FISA Warrant

The real issue in this is that the US Government could have charged Clinesmith with 20 years in prison for destroying records. Instead John Durham charged Clinesmith with 5 years for altering records. Clinesmith is cooperating in this investigation, and that means Clinesmith is bringing evidence to the crew on the 7th Floor.

We know that Peter Strzok told Lisa Page that Donald Trump was innocent, but they conspired with an insurance policy. The reality is, everyone knew the Pissgate Dossier was a fake, and yet everyone from Obama to Clinesmith was operating on framing Donald Trump. Each was playing a definitive roll.

As stated Strzok knew the charges were bogus and named the 7th floor leadership for sending this ahead. We know from Rod Rosenstein and Sally Yates that they would not have progressed this if they had not been lied to by James Comey, Director of the FBI. All of this renders down to John Durham is going after the evidence for the FBI leadership, in Comey,  McCabe and Baker. Everyone knew the evidence was false, and everyone on the 7th floor knew Clinesmith altered the warrant application, as it had been denied by the Department of Justice on a previous submission.

What this is stating is, Kevin Clinesmith, the conspirator, has provided enough evidence to get a lesser charge. This means that when CIA's John Brennan is not being investigated by John Durham, that Brennan must be cooperating too, and the only Niggers left in the wood pile are James Comey, Andrew McCabe and James Baker.

What is of interest in this is John Durham deliberately set this up to appear on late Friday for the news cycle. He means to sweat people up the chain of command, and that does mean Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, if they are not already cooperating. This means literally that the next person in the crosshairs is Clinesmith's superior, James Baker, a political operative, and to save himself, he will haev to roll on James Comey and Andrew McCabe, which in McCabe rolls this back onto Lisa Page and then Peter Strzok to complete the part of this investigation.

Clinesmith is accused of altering an email that was used to justify a court’s wiretap approval into Page. The email in question was sent in 2017 to the FBI that stated Page had been an asset. Clinesmith allegedly changed the content of the email to say that Page was not an asset, according to inspector general Michael E. Horowitz’s investigation that “uncovered errors and omissions in documents” relating to the Page wiretap.

 What to take from this is John Durham's team assembled evidence, and it was air  tight, they are now moving with other parts of this investigation. It seems credible that Durham is after something more in sweating the higher ups to cooperate. Whether this moves into the White House now in Durham's target or just closing the loop on James Comey completely to squeeze him to turn on Barack Obama and Susan Rice, is the mystery which will evolve in this.

Make no mistake in this that Kevin Clinesmith is no small fish. This is a head of a division in the  FBI at the heart of the Obama framing of Donald Trump. This is not some obscure nut. This is one of the top people at the FBI, and as this is where this begins, it means this moves to the 7th floor quickly as that is who John Durham is after.

For once, it is wonderful to have a US Attorney providing justice to the American People.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

