Saturday, August 22, 2020

A Tonic Water Coronavirus Cure Review

I'm English I have no taste...........buds

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Not long ago I shared from the Rense site a guy who cured himself of Coronavirus with tonic water and other shit he put into it like vitamins.

Tonic water has quinine in it, it comes from bark or from grapefruit or citrus peels, that you boil covered for two hours, let cool off and then torture yourself with. In being a boozer from my youth in trying most things, I honest to God never tried tonic water, and it tastes just like chewing on bad grapefruit peels.

So what I experimented on TL and myself with was Canada Dry, and those people are real assholes like Coke and Pepsi are real assholes, and into this we put a shot of Smirnoff Vodka, as I will use that for Christmas booze later and a half tab of zinc.

Out of a bottle we got 6 doses or 3 a piece for us, and I honestly think this chit does work, because it affected me in a positive way, actually I lit up with a fever the last time I took it, and everywhere online there are Mockingbird stories telling people this shit does not work. If the 1%  says this does not works.

The thing is I can understand why only English people drink this shit as they have no taste. I see the Queen's civil servants getting malaria, taking quinine until their piss turns brown, and still dying, and in the meantime, "Lets mix the medicine which tastes like shit with some juniper berry gin, which tastes like shit, get drunk and hope we die before we wake up.
That is where gin and tonic came from. It is horrid, about as horrid as vodka tonic, which is another form of booze a I hate, not as much as Mexican whiskey though.

What I did discover is eating Nacho Cheese Doritos gets the taste out of your month. I figure with medicine what the hell, and take it. We are gong to do our second bottle of tonic water in the next few days as a preventative of this booger baby back to school surge which is coming........yeah we had this coof, a few times, had my two boosters and I figure I got some other damned thing this past week, but I am loaded for bear or coof as I have a half gallon of Russian vodka, four bottles of genetic tonic water and our zinc tabs............and yes I got my Ivomec emergency ration too for us. 3 tubes. Not going to spill that one on here, but do a search and you will find how to get this over the counter.

I do plan to visit my vet and try and con him into some cat and goat worm pills and some doxycycline as I want to be prepared for the pandemic as I love my animals.

Anyway, that is the user review in taking things that taste shitty with Doritos chasers. I suspect a run on Doritios and a ban as not a cure for Coronavirus.

Oh, I also found that after the dousing of the tonic and Doritos, that Mello Yello is what gets me through drinking that horrid English stuff.

Nuff Said
