As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter
There was an interesting study coming out of Russia, which in Tass was ridiculous, as the article explained that the biological weapon, Coronavirus Mirror, actually is reprogramming DNA amino acids at their base structure. This is the foundation of life. There is nothing beyond this in a human cell. This biological weapon is literally changing the building platforms of the human DNA.
The audacity of the Russians though in covering up what this is, stated that this may mean that it is a natural mutation, as they note that NO OTHER VIRUS IN HISTORY HAS REWRITTEN RNA and DNA, as doing that would kill off all life, even viruses.
They found that the SARS-CoV-2 genome contains an unusually large number of mutations which lead to the replacement of guanine (G), one of the four "letters" of the DNA and the RNA chains, with the molecules of uracil (U). In all, over two hundred (15%) of the discovered mutations belong to this category. This is almost ten times the share of such mutations in the SARS-CoV-2 ancestor before the infection of humans.
This was absolutely not typical of other coronaviruses in which the share of replacement of guanine with uracil before and after infections in humans was similar. This unique characteristic of the SARS-CoV-2 virus manifested itself both in the full set of genomes and in the analyses of the genome sets obtained in some countries, such as the US and China.
As the article’s authors suggest, this feature of the COVID-19 pathogen reflects the fact that until recently it was infecting bats whose cells are unusually well-defended from the accumulation of various aggressive molecules capable of introducing mutations in the new copies of the viral RNA.
When the SARS-CoV-2 virus moved on to infect humans, it lost this defense, which, as the authors think, led to a damage of a large number of the guanine "letters" of the RNA and the quick accumulation of mutations in the coronavirus genome. The researchers conclude that on the one hand, this is an argument for the natural origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, while on the other hand it makes one think why something similar did not occur with the atypical pneumonia pathogen which also originated in bats.
I endeavor always to break the information down to layman's terms so you can process it, as none of you are microbiologists. The two components the Russians discovered altered, out of the four in human DNA were Uracil and Guanine.
Uracil stabilized DNA and replication of DNA. Guanine is a building block present in both RNA and DNA. When Coronavirus mutates, the Russians discovered in the mutations that Guanine is being replaced by molecules of Uracil.
Think of this simply is Guanine is a binding agent while Uracil is a replicating agent. Guanine is GLUE in cells. Uracil is a cookie cutter making more cookies. The common place both are found is in RNA or the part of a cell which replicates, not the DNA.
So when the glue which holds cells together is displaced, the cells do not hold together at base, and a new stability or instability is introduced, the cookie starts to crumble, but a new mRNA or DNA reprogramming is initiated which kills or transforms the cell.
Guanine has one oxygen molecule to give, but Uracil has two, as the diagrams reveal. Uracil dominates as having more molecules for other processes to link into. I will explain the mRNA link after the quotes.

UracilUracil is one of the four nucleobases in the nucleic acid of RNA that are represented by the letters A, G, C and U. The others are adenine, cytosine, and guanine. In RNA, uracil binds to adenine via two hydrogen bonds. In DNA, the uracil nucleobase is replaced by thymine.Wikipedia
In RNA, uracil base-pairs with adenine and replaces thymine during DNA transcription. Methylation of uracil produces thymine. In DNA, the evolutionary substitution of thymine for uracil may have increased DNA stability and improved the efficiency of DNA replication

GuanineGuanine is one of the four main nucleobases found in the nucleic acids DNA and RNA, the others being adenine, cytosine, and thymine. In DNA, guanine is paired with cytosine. The guanine nucleoside is called guanosine.Wikipedia
Guanine, along with adenine and cytosine, is present in both DNA and RNA, whereas thymine is usually seen only in DNA, and uracil only in RNA. Guanine has two tautomeric forms, the major keto form and rare enol form.
If you will recall, the serums being tested are all mRNA, or reprogramming serums in cells, which have never been used before. This is the 1237 infecting spike protein in the mRNA which weaponized Coronavirus, and turned it into a tentacle beast that moves cells around and jabs into other healthy cells.
Coronavirus is amplifying the replication of DNA via the RNA codes. It is making a stronger stability for instability, it is like a cancer changing what a cell does for a new process. This is genetic coding for a purpose.
As Coronavirus is killing and altering people's cells, the serum is designed to introduce a new mRNA or programming which will transfer to all babies in the womb to forever change people. Coronavirus Mirror and this 1237 serum, is building a new DNA RNA platform, for something else to be plugged into it. It is creating a two legged virus to which it will be transformed into a new life form.
I believe what Gates and Fauci are representing is a reproducing immortal class to serve the 1%. Inquiry pointed to this in the matrix, and this is not by accident that a biological weaponized bat virus platform, with spliced in HIV (another test study in this process), tuberculosis and corkscrew bacteria, are the cover for the process of what is taking place at the substructures of the foundation of life in the mRNA.
This is what this is all about, and what has been hidden inside of this virus entity. It is the genius of those behind this, that they created such an altering platform, meant by serum to introduce a new base, for which another transformational introduction will be added. The super computers of Baby and the apes, will be broadcast on 5 G, to have this new DNA receive this on the 3rd day He arose from the dead, which will bind all to this new frequency, as there is not any going back with this change of increased frequency.
The last paragraph is logical progression. The factual data of the amino acid altering is what the progression is based upon.
This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said