Sunday, August 2, 2020

All for Free

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 I have told you to be aware of not the nutty conspiracy theory link of Coronavirus to give 5 G cover, but of the link between your DNA altered by Coronavirus, and what will be added to that spike protein to turn you into a receiving antannae for 5 G in this great combined internet of thought.

The world is going to give these serum injections away for free. The poor will receive a children of a lesser god creation, than the 1%, who are going to have a hard time hiding their immortality as time continues on.

Verizon was charging around 90 dollars for the old G system per month, and scamming suckers to sign up for a 50 dollar plant that was twice that much, but in this expensive 5 G, it is offering 3 months free and a money losing 50 dollars a month.
I wonder why the conglomerates are willing to lose money to get you vibrating at 5 G in your homes.

No the Lame Cherry is not wondering as the Lame Cherry informed you, and is here providing evidence of how you are being converted into this system.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
