Sunday, August 2, 2020

The One Way Road

Grasshopper, the way of life is only one way, forward. There is not
any return, no erasing mistakes, no guarantees of success. 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

President Harry Truman turned China over to the communists.

President George HW Bush took paddy China and made it into globalist China.

Profit of the 1% is a cancer which has eaten the world, and now President Trump has a China which is as multifaceted as the biological weapon of China.  China has 1.4 million biological weapons whose desire is to infect the world

“Our vigorous diplomacy has helped lead an international awakening to the threat of the CCP,” he said, adding, “Senators, the tide is turning.”

China is a ham fisted racial retard, which thinks of itself as genius, but it's genius is taking the weapons it thinks it steals, like Obama's biological weapon's lab in Wuhan. Weapon's offered to this genius, provided for it's own destruction.

The secretary of state listed some of the global developments, he said, were the result of the American lead on international awakening against China: the growing ostracism of Chinese firms from the rollout of 5G networks, increasing rejection of Chinese claims in the disputed South China Sea, and the condemnation of the new laws in Hong Kong.
“We’re proud to have stepped up maritime maneuvers in that body of water (the South China Sea) alongside friends like Australia, India, Japan, and the UK,” Pompeo said in his full and prepared remarks, which were different from the brief summary he read out as his opening statement.
He added: “India has banned 106 Chinese apps, including TikTok, that threatened its citizens’ privacy and security.”

So now the path to China is crowded with the United States, Japan, Australia and Japan. Is the world not already crowded with a biological weapon, which reveals the road to China. One crowded road to China, no way out, and so many weapons of mass destruction pits to imprison.
China has sown rot into the world, rot into America. Rotten workers, rotten parts, rotten investment, rotten food.

A road sometimes is a way that is a slope upon which one slides.  There is only one way on a road. There is no turning back. We are all on this road.

Nuff Said
