As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Did I not tell you that rich man Rush Limbaugh III would get the cancer cure, and sure enough, he is fine as a fiddle. I like fiddling, not so much being poor and Limbaugh owing me like 13 million dollars now in plagiarism. You would think a man going to hell would settle accounts he owed to me, but I have not see that donation, just Limbaugh talking about Dr. Charles that is the strong guy, this Scott Atlas, a real doctor, neurologist, Stanford and Hoover guy, and Donald Trump listens to him like Ivanka, without the tears.

Scott Atlas is a brilliant guy and he thinks by early October that we could well be burned out of COVID. In his opinion, we could see it turn inert. And his reason for this, some underappreciated T-cell, along with prior immunities. I’m not versed enough to understand it, but I’m just repeating to you what he says. We could see by early October COVID-19 turn inert or dormant largely due to some underappreciated T-cell, prior immunities from exposure to coronavirus, meaning colds and so forth, that’s one of the things we’re learning. Some people who have come down with a cold over the course of the summer miraculously end up less likely to get COVID-19, according to and Scott Atlas. And people that get colds, that’s a large portion of the population.
Dr. Atlas is saying allot of the things that this blog has published that things should settle down by October, see it is that exposure of school boogers which is going to cause problems, but the Doctor explains that the problem is all this Q tips up the nose, testing, in finding carriers who are not dying, not even sick......some though have crotch rot, broken legs, gerbils up the arse, and they go to the hospital and get tested, come up positive and are admitted as plague patients.
Anyway that is how the Doctor explains it, and it makes sense.
“What is your thought on that, do you think that 25% of the cases are being hospitalized are people 20-29, does that seem unusual?” MacCallum asked.
“No,” Atlas said. “I think that’s counter to any other data point we have. We have a state that has detailed evidence, Florida. We see that although there is a huge rise in cases, they are almost all overwhelmingly healthy young people. They are not being hospitalized. They are not dying. The deaths are going down per day. The hospitalizations are going down per day. It’s just not likely.”
“I think that what is happening in Texas, I know that this is true, they are testing every person that gets hospitalized for Covid-19,” Atlas continued. “We know that the vast majority of people with COVID-19 who are young, particularly, are asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic. I question if those people who are positive for COVID-19 and being hospitalized for something else are classified as COVID-19 hospitalizations. That’s a big difference.”
Dr. Atlas has been gutting the shit out of Bill Gates pimp, Anthony Fauci, in stating the plain and simple facts, that he does not suck the teat of serums to get over this plague. Yes America is being cured by our Nazi protectors with Coronvirus Mirror Strain S, just as this blog stated would overtake the world.
It's those Israelite genes God bred that saved us from the Black Plague, HIV and now this Obama biological weapon. Sure they call it T cell, call it having the flu before, having a cold, but it is that Delta gene and if you don't eat shit snacks, you will be ready to go back to sinning by next year.
I want to say something, but I forget, but I do remember too by the Holy Ghost that you just need to be patient, keep stocked up, and ride this through to the elections. People need to keep the same care they did, the sick, the elderly, and of course those non Whites, who catch this plague to death like they are born stupid.
I think I have insulted enough people in this, that I should close this out, as praising Dr. Scott Atlas, real physician who is not a Gates Whore, is a good deal for President Donald Trump to bank on for re election. Nothing is finer than having your Doc on talk shows, docking for you, instead of Faucing for Bill Gates.
So all of these booger bearers from 5 to 35, are worse than sticking your Ann Coulter vulva up a bat's ass in catching Coronavirus plague. So steer clear from this carrier group for a Christmas present to you.
Atlas saves the world and this time does not have to carry it on his back.
Nuff Said