Monday, August 3, 2020

Better than Dumpster Food

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Before the coof hit, I was talking to the gals at Hardees and they were telling me their veggie burger which the management was telling them to try was simply horrid with a capital H. They said is stunk, and it really stunk and it tasted bad, so it was like a petroleum burger.
Odd how there is something worse in this world that Angus beef.

Anyway, I got this flier from Hardees for their Texas burgers, and TL and I had tried them and surprisingly they were not that bad. Granted we put on additional mustard and ketchup, but the onion rings and sauce are ok on this burger. I think a good BBQ sauce would have helped, but what the hell do I know, as this is Hardees and their corporate gal is......

Well she is an attractive Beaner babe. Large comforting breasts, but that is deceptive as she has a big ass, and wears pants so tight she probably is getting blood clots and her tits are inflated from all the forced pressure upward.
Their crew as two Beaner boys, her and an old White folks doing all the thinking work. Yes corporate hired her to ogle her tits and maybe she sucks snatch, but she is low IQ Beaner with zero sense. Is probably the type that comes up with veggie burgers and lumps them in with Spicy Western Bacon Cheese Burgers. Hardees spent allot of money on that shit, trying to appeal to soy heads and the recipe is shit. Veg heads don't go out and have fun at places anyway. They sit at home, and worry about something they read which is going to kill them, and when they are not doing that they are thread bombing sites to make it seems like there are 100,000 crazies out there who think like they do.

So I would say the Texas burger is ok. I like this cheese thing they had last year too, as it did not make me sick. Their cheapo burgers always tasted like the meat sat in the locker from 5 years ago, but otherwise their food passes when the chicken is done, and I was told to never try the fish, as that is like the vegan food.

I have yet to see anyone in Hardees who goes in to try the weird shit. Am still pissed that their breakfast thing never got in beef or whatever I wanted, as last year in doing errands for heinous uncle, we were eating breakfast at Hardees, and their muffin thing was ok, round tater tots were barely legal, but I really liked the iced vanilla coffee. That was really pleasant and I always drank about half, dumped in 4 creamers, filled with water and that was what I was sipping on errands in 90 degree heat.

After flies were on our food at Subway last year, and the lezbo laughed, and the food started tasting bad, I gave up on that shitty place. Apparently the one in the next city over went kaput too, as they had flies on things too sitting out. That place really went to hell when their pedo rep got ousted.
I really am not a Taco John gal either or Pizza Hut, so it falls to Hardees, and they email me things which I don't want, but this time I thought I would mention their large breasted corporate officials and their Texas burger is ok, compared to something pulled out of the dumpster.

Hey if they want better reviews, they can start ponying up the bucks as waiting on rich people to donate here, will bring another plague before they cough up the revenue.

Nuff Said
