Sunday, August 2, 2020

Pissing in the Stubble

You better have washed your hands you millionaire farmers
in touching my wheat after you took a piss out in the stubble!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Thank you Pam.
Message: May the Lord take this small donation and amplify it by a thousand for LC and TL. May your lives be blessed by our generous Father. May Jesus protect you through the power of his blood.

May God bless you a thousand fold of goodness and all the good people of this blog.

I needed a smile this morning, as I have actually been doing Christian good, as I waited for the guy to get back to us on putting on a metal roof on this house. Well, he did, and begged off by lying as he was getting too old. The Holy Ghost pointed out, that Al used a tractor with a loader to get the materials on the roof, and as we have septic on one side, trees on two other sides, it would not work without him putting up scaffolding.
I really breathe fire when people lie to me, and this has been a most heart perplexing situation as I did not know what to do, and honestly TL and I are not physically capable, then there are the costs, and ths house has angles on the roof, and a chimney in the center which was leaking, and a two story, I am terrified of heights. So was not  in a good mood.

My cure is to visit the wicked one's house he is never coming back to, and mopping his shit off the floors for his family, as they honestly do not need to be horrified by the geezer things in that house. As beloved Uncle says, It is good PR work, so that is what I will be doing today.

Yesterday we were over and I finally found out it was satan's spawn who wicked uncle got to do the mowing. Spawner has killed the grass, and was mowing the dead grass. He popped up like a gopher when we appeared, we just went for a walk, and let the nigger to rig his things. He was gone when we were back, sans not doing the trimming, as why do the job you are paid for and running up a bill on  a geezer who is not there, besides I discovered last time he used the trimmer, he used about 5 miles of line on it, and left it so filthy that it looks like a piece of junk now.

But it gets better as I got the old lawnmower running, and could not figure out what the hell was up with it, as the seat was loose. the battery was shot, and unc had a block bolted to the clutch as his knee was bad. Well the seat fell off, and then that block fell off. Deduction states that Spawner had to adjust that seat for 2 inches for his ass and then took the block off and never tightened it back up.
See with unc you never touch his shit or he blows his cork, but Spawner just had to move things to suit him, and then he lost the bolts and burs
So I had to be Inspired to fix the seat, in the Holy Ghost said, get a long bolt, screw it into the plastic fasteners, pull them back out and seat them. Easier said than done, but it is now done.

It just pisses me off when people get into things not theirs and then they have to do it to suit them and then they never put things back. Near as I can tell he about finished the mower off, after the son in law used it a as brush hog last year.

So I will be mopping shit in a few, just a wonderful day, but it is what it is in the rewards of an evil soul, who chose more evil people, who are not cheating him and stealing from him. as you can always tell who the real person is, in now they act when no one is around to catch them........but wait, I am around and caught Spawner being the cheat and liar he is.

The roofer should not have lied to me and told me he was too old to do things. He is really going to get uncle old. Let us see how he enjoys his sins.

Thank you to Pam and the other kind souls in this family. It just takes me a few days to get over things when injured and releasing things to God to solve, things get solved. I work though to get things worked through as it is better than sitting around being upset, even if it is mopping up old person turds.

God bless the Good in Jesus Name Amen and Amen
